What is an idiom or expression for a hopeless task?

2017-03-04 1:39 am

回答 (6)

2017-03-04 2:06 am
Herding cats
Nailing jelly to the wall
A Sisyphean labour
Rearranging deckchairs on The Titanic
Knitting fog
2017-03-04 3:33 am
An exercise in futility.
2017-03-04 3:09 am
"It's like trying to teach a pig to sing."
"It's like trying to teach Donald Drunk to tell the truth."
2017-03-04 1:42 am
Trying to sweep out the incoming tide with a broom.
Finding a needle in a haystack.
If you are doing a creative writing assignment find a new phrase like:
"It was as hopeless as hiking to Mars in three days!"
2017-03-04 11:42 am
To play the piano to a cow - Chinese idiom
2017-03-04 4:46 am
When the hell freezes.
catching the wind with a net.
devil's dream in heaven

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