When going on a long road trip (32 hour trip), how many hours of driving is too much in one day?

2017-03-03 5:21 pm
I'm driving with my best friend from Houston to a city outside Portland in the summer. I haven't yet discussed with him what he thinks his limitations are as far as how far he can drive, but I personally am a highly tolerant person to long drives (I can do 6-7 hours feeling unfazed). Just wondering what a reasonable amount would be? Ideally I'd like to get there by the end of the second day, but is 16 hours in one day a crazy amount even when split among 2 people? Say 2 or 4 hour shifts?

回答 (10)

2017-03-04 4:38 am
Anything thing more than 10 hours or so of driving in one day can be dangerous. Houston to Portland is more than 2,200 miles. About 550 to 600 miles daily should be your limit. BTW, the 32 hours is not accounting for meals, breaks, pit stops, etc.
2017-03-05 6:06 am
40 years ago I drove from Snyder, Tx to Blythe, Ca. These days, as far as I'd go is from Oakland, Ca to Wendover, Ut, or Roseburg, Or at one leg of a trip- about 9hours.
2017-03-03 7:59 pm
not more than 11 hours a day after that its dangerous even 11 not recommended
2017-03-10 1:04 am
You have to factor in how good a shape the car you'll be using is, as well as normal human fatigue. I wouldn't try more than 12 hours on the road per day. That way you and the car will get some rest every day.
2017-03-09 10:52 pm
Varies with personal capabilities. I can drive 10 hrs max if I have a lot of rest before the trip. Frequent stops during a long trip helps to extend your endurance. Over-the-road truckers are limited to 11 hours per day.
2017-03-05 10:28 pm
Beyond 10 hours per day each hour takes a heavy toll. If you can manage four days for the trip it will be a lot more pleasant, but if you can't try to keep the legs as close to 11 hours each as possible. That third day will still be brutal.
2017-03-05 9:19 am
Switch drivers every 3 or 4 hours...While the other person catches a nap....Keep in mind, you may get a little sleep, but in a moving vehicle, you will never get any real rest.....You can do this until your both tired of riding in a car.....THEN PULL OVER AND SLEEP, or get a room for a while.....When you get tired, PULL OVER AND SLEEP....Dont be an idiot...Waking up, upside down in a ditch, is gonna FU*CK UP A FUN ROADTRIP.....I PROMISE
2017-03-04 1:07 am
Here's my idea for folks not use to driving long haul. Trade off every few hours, between the two of you drive about 12 hours a day, eat well and sleep 8 or more hours at night. Driving is more than mashing the gas down the highway.
2017-03-03 11:23 pm
My longest is 23 hours before a rest stop, solo. It's entirely up to you.
2017-03-03 6:36 pm
depends on you. I can do 12-13 hours in a day before I call it quits and get a room

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