why can spring training baseball games end in a tie and regular season games can't?

2017-03-02 7:39 am

回答 (6)

2017-03-02 8:43 am
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The rules don't allow for tie games. Regular season games count, so they are played to a conclusion.

Spring training games don't really count, so they are sometimes ended early, despite what the rules say. Rainouts are called more quickly, and the teams don't hang out to complete the game. Tied games aren't played to a conclusion to avoid overworking the pitchers and position players.
2017-03-04 2:42 am
because the **** doesnt matter
2017-03-02 11:38 pm
in rare occurrences, regular season games have ended in a tie. most recently, it happened last year with the Cubs / Pirates. it was late in the season, the Cubs already clinched the division / best record, and the Pirates were already eliminated from post season. it was raining when they were going into extra innings, so they just called the game.
2017-03-02 9:29 pm
Actually, regular season games CAN end in a tie, it's just very unlikely and it only happens under very specific conditions.
2017-03-02 3:32 pm
Because they don't count anyway. Spring training games are for evaluating players and, for the established players, getting reaccustomed to the daily grind. Competitiveness is very low on the list of priorities.
2017-03-02 7:47 am
Cause that's the rules.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:20:08
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