How do I continue talking to this girl without making it obvious that I like her?

2017-03-02 2:14 am
I just got out of class, but I met this cute girl while in my early morning college class. I never had the chance to talk to her before, until just now, since the class has a lot of people and too many open seats. I came in late, and I just decided to sit next to this girl because it was the back row, and I didn't want to cause unwanted attention. Our professor had us get into groups, and the entire time she was talking, I just thought about how gorgeous she is. In the end of class, I decided to turn in her worksheet for her. As I then left the class, I overheard her talking to this other girl that was in our group for today, saying "he's cute ("he" meaning me)." I actually like her now, but I don't know how I'm going to continue communicating to her in class in the near future, since it would be obvious that I like her because like I said, there's many open seats in class. Also, everyone has their own "seat," where they always sit at, even though there's no assigned seating arrangements. I want to be friends with her first because I'll be less likely to get rejected when I ask her out. I don't want to be going too forward, or coming off "desperate" because I think I'll probably be rejected. Being called "cute" is great, but that doesn't always mean that she'll accept a date invitation from me.

回答 (4)

2017-03-02 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
First off, good work on turning in her assignment for her. You probably didn’t realize it at a time but doing little nice things like that go a long way in helping her remember you. Secondly, I agree it’s going to be tough to get more face time with her considering the fact that everyone kind of sits in the same area every day. One strategy could be to basically do the exact same thing you did last time. Come into class a little late and just sit down next to her again (assuming there isn’t usually someone that sits there). Next, you need to make it a point to actually introduce yourself. Next time you come in and sit next to her, give her a little smile and say “Hey, how are you” or something like that then get back to focusing on what’s happening in class so she doesn’t think that you are specifically there for her. Wait until the class is ending and tell her that you have some meeting or appointment you need to go to and won’t be able to attend the next class (make up a reason) and ask her if there is any way you can give her a shout later that night to get the notes from her. From her perspective, this is a very innocent request so I doubt she will have any issue giving you her phone number/email or some way to contact her. From there, just be grateful for her willingness to help, take her info and wait until the next class. Obviously, you do need to skip that class but based on my own experiences with college a few years back, skipping class isn’t that big of a deal. Later that night, send her a text or e-mail saying “Hey, this is (Insert name here), just following up and wanted to see if I could grab those notes from you? Thanks again for all of your help, I really appreciate it.” She will probably respond with something basic so just give her your information and let her send the notes. At this point, you have her contact information, she knows who you are and it won’t be weird anymore when you start chatting with her. You can either slow play it and keep texting about class and taking opportunities to just joke around with her or you could make a move. Making a move is risky because she doesn’t really know you yet but it also shows a ton of confidence that girls like. If you do decide to make a move, I would have it look something like this “Hey (insert her name here), how’s it going? I hope this doesn’t sound too forward but I was wondering if you would be interested in grabbing dinner or drinks with me sometime? I know that we don’t know each other all that well yet but you seem like a very sweet and intelligent person and you’re obviously very pretty so I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask  haha and no worries either way. Haha so yeah, that’s my spiel. Let me know and thanks again!.” – Ok, so I know it sounds terrifying to send that text but it shows confidence, it shows you are a gentleman that wants to treat her to dinner and it shows her that you aren’t afraid of rejection. If she says no for any reason (boyfriend, just got out of a relationship, has things going on, etc…) just take it for what it is and tell “no problem, I totally understand, if you ever change your mind then feel free to give me a shout ”. I’m telling you man, even if she denies you and you handle it the right way, there is a good chance at some point, she will remember the easy going guy that acted like an adult in that situation. If she does give you a date, you have a GREAT story to tell that will make both of you laugh. You get to jokingly talk about how you didn’t really have an appointment and just needed a way to talk to her so you skipped class and made up a story and all that good stuff. Girls love it when they realize that you went to great lengths just to meet them. Haha ok, sorry for the short story. Give it a shot and good luck!
2017-03-02 2:25 am
Just prepare your mind to keep balanced feelings for her like a friend does for another friend without thinking of getting anything in return . Simple.
2017-03-02 2:47 am
What's wrong with showing you like her?
I just don't get it.
2017-03-02 2:44 am
You sound like a "Nice Guy", which to me just means... YOU'RE GOING TO LOSE.

You need to PRACTICE being a "PLAYER". Don't let the title discourage you.
Players have Class and Moves. Just like there is Good and Bad people
in every occupation. There are Good and Bad PLAYERS.
You decide which you want too or will be.

HUMOR is always a good approach. MAKE a person Smile and Enjoy your
company and they will be TOO BUSY having Fun...
No Negative comes into the picture.

With a SMILE on your face, tell her. "You know what I hate about ATTRACTIVE GIRLS LIKE YOU." She will be shocked, but focused on your SMILE.
She might say "What?" Even if she doesn't, you say "You make me NERVOUS and I just know I'm gonna mess up and look like an IDIOT in front of you."
Most girls MELT, right about now.

Honesty, Compliments and Humor are NEVER used by Nice Guys.
That's why you lose to the Players.
Players get rejected too, they just don't focus on the "Fear Of" being hurt.

Anything and Everything you want to Change or Improve about
yourself will require PRACTICE.
There are many many things school taught you that you (most people)
will NEVER use in real Life. You probably realize this by now.
The solution to your problem/dilemma is simple.
Depending on your personality, it may NOT be EASY, but it's still Simple.

PRACTICE is just a way to LEARN to get better.
(High School / College / New Town / New Job)
Most guys, who care WAY TOO MUCH, usually project or
develop insecurities in themselves.
This does not Impress or Capture Women's Interest or Attention.

The key to Breaking the Ice with ANYONE, is in the ability to make People Smile and Enjoy your company.

Always use Smiles, Humor and Compliments to approach people.
USE SMILES (to make them relax),
USE HUMOR (to make them Smile or Laugh),
USE COMPLIMENTS (to make them feel good about themselves
when they are around you)
Wouldn't you want to be around someone
that made you feel good about yourself?

This is how you win over people. Be Likable and Be Fun.
Make this your personality and people will look for/want to be around you.

All this may sound scary to you,
but aren't you already scared anyway…
And probably sick of being YOU. (the way you are)
CHANGE will Always be Uncomfortable…
until it becomes the way you do things.

Practice is about FAILING, until You Get Better.
DO NOT be afraid to Practice.
Practice is just taking BABY STEPS, until it becomes Who You Are.

If you don't start PRACTICING this now, you will lose out on many other opportunities (girls) in the future. The Players call it "Having Game."

REMEMBER--Handsome, Beautiful or Butt Ugly
has "NOTHING" to do with PRACTICE.
Because it's only practice...
it doesn't matter if you strike out over and over again.
Also, if you get rejected 100,000 times.
There is still a BILLION girls you haven't met... YET!!!!!
and Vice Versa, girls that haven't met You... YET!!!!!

CONFIDENCE is not about Succeeding. It's about NOT BEING AFRAID,
to Step Up, whether you get Accepted or Rejected.

After you get Accepted or Rejected, YOU WILL "Quit"
Torturing yourself with Worry and Curiosity.

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