How can I get a good nice boyfriend?

2017-03-02 1:57 am
I am turning 23 this summer and still a virgin. I don't want to have to wait until 35 to meet the right guy.

回答 (8)

2017-03-02 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
My mom always says the best place to meet a good guy is at church (specifically at a church near a college). Everytime we go to mass at the student center as we are leaving she says that when I get older I should look for a guy there and comments on how mant single men there are there. Lol!
2017-03-03 5:27 pm
Your best bet is an active Church! Find a good Church and start going there every Sunday and get active there! Chances are you will meet a nice guy there and God will pair you up! It wont take you long to find someone there and once you do make sure you BOTH go to Church together every week for the best relationship with each other and God!
2017-03-02 1:58 am
Hang out at a Games Workshop or comic book store, they will be disease free and eager to learn.
2017-03-02 1:58 am
Just ask any single guy
2017-03-02 2:53 am
church? well, 80% church attendees are females. i would say this is a place to avoid if your sole purpose is to meet a guy. However, there is always one guy you will meet and his name is Jesus.
2017-03-02 2:14 am
Go to nice public places like church or any group thing and meet people. Hangout and get to know people.
I'm 20 and the same hun.
2017-03-02 2:00 am
<--- You just found one <---
2017-03-02 2:01 am
One word: Incest

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