Age difference ?

2017-03-02 1:38 am
How do you feel about a 28 yr old man dating an 18 yr old? I've never dated anyone the only person I've ever really been with is my boyfriend and he's 28. But his age never bothered me. He's really smart and the majority of the time we connect, but sometimes i feel stupid since i'm so young and i'm barely learning but he's constantly teaching me and i love it. I love learning and so does he. We can be nerds and it's so sweet cause we act like we are highschool sweet hearts. But everyone around us tries to break us up for many reasons. People tell him i've slept with so many guys and the same people tell me he's been around, i want a different perspective now that you have the whole picture.

回答 (3)

2017-03-02 1:51 am
A Statistic I once read, stated that a Good Combination between men and women is the man being 7 years older than the woman. Since women mature faster than men. I have experienced that this works out about right.

DO NOT feel dumb about things you don't know yet. Your Parents and Teacher are older than you and it's their responsibility/Job TO TEACH YOU.

When he was YOUR AGE, he wasn't as smart and experienced as he is now.
Maybe HE IS better and older than the guys his age, But he is also smart enough to be with you and has good taste in women.

Talk with him about EVERY insecurity you have with him and relationships.
He will care enough to Help and Advise you.
2017-03-02 3:10 am
28 M and 18 F is normal
38 M and 18 F is not abnormal
48 M still look for 18 F
even 58 M look for 18 F
Can you see the pattern?
2017-03-02 1:51 am
So, to most people it is odd (and taboo really) to have a 28 year old who is interested in dating an 18 year old. 28 year olds have experienced a lot more things than a 18 year old, and should be doing certain things during this period of their lives.

Age does not really matter. What matters is what the 28 year old is doing with his/her life. Did they graduate high school and/or college? Do they have a career going? Do they have their own place and their own vehicle? What are their plans for the future? ect. If the 28 year old does not have answers to that basic stuff, then they come off as losers. Then it makes the age difference matter.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 01:07:08
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