Help! More Veganism questions!?

2017-03-01 10:12 am
My mom always tells me "why not just go vegetarian, why go all the way vegan?' i dont listen because im not changing my mind. i DO NOT support the dairy and meat industry and we dont digest dairy the way our bodys are meant too. What do i say to my mom when she tells me this?

回答 (11)

2017-03-01 11:01 am
Do more research to back up your will find that you are wrong.
If our bodies didn't digest dairy, why have we successfully eaten it for all these thousands of years??
While its true that some people cannot tolerate dairy, some people also cannot tolerate strawberries or peanuts or onions either..does that mean that you should never eat vegetables or fruits because some people cannot tolerate them?
2017-03-01 10:20 am
I don't get what you're trying to do other than annoy your mom and have her make special meals for you, we do digest meats and our bodies are meant to do so, as is witnessed by the ways our teeth are formed.
If you want to go vegan then make sure you alone are responsible for the shopping, preparation and cooking of your meals, and maybe you can convince her to try some of your recipes. Many omnivores are put off by people with so many 'can't's in their dietary needs. It's a hassle to cook for them. And that might be at the center of her problem, so do it yourself and that might ease her objections.
2017-03-01 11:13 am
Tell her that's it's messed up to drink milk past infancy, especially that of another species. Tell her that the dairy industry directly feeds into the veal industry, and that you don't feel comfortable supporting the slaughter of baby cows. This is also true of the egg industry, with male chicks. They are usually ground up alive (or gassed, or simply thrown away and left to suffocate in garbage bags) because there is "no use for them". All of this suffering is completely unnecessary and unacceptable, which is why I refuse to spend my money supporting it.
2017-03-01 1:49 pm
You can digest dairy just fine as long as you are not lactose intolerant. And if you are there's such things as lactose free dairy products.

Also don't be telling her things like eggs are chicken periods. These are just lies told by organizations like PETA to shock, shame and disgust people into being vegan.
2017-03-01 11:18 am
Well, I thought you looked familiar, you've been a busy girl asking lots of questions. Which is good.

"why not just go vegetarian, why go all the way vegan?"

of all the questions vegans get asked, this may be the most legit. A few years back, i did a little research and math and my rough estimation came up that a vegetarian alleviates about 90% of the animal cruelty that a vegan does.

Also, i know some people don't like to hear this, but no one is 100% vegan. You turn on the lights and you contribute to global warming and somewhere a polar bear drowns. The tires you buy have animal products inside them. You protect your home from bugs and mice and rats. Not to mention the little animals that are killed by harvesters. We do what we can to reduce it but just by being modern humans we can't achieve 100%. so the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan is less than 10% on any kind of animal cruelty scale.

Since being vegetarian is perceived as being a lot easier than being vegan, you might figure that the law of diminishing returns is kicking in. So maybe it isn't worth the extra effort. Many vegetarians have come to that conclusion - and i don't knock them for it.

However (and here comes the answer --beep beep), I don't think the effort to move from vegetarian to vegan is all that much. Take for instance milk. The grocery aisles are just busting with good alternatives to milk. And plant milks have the extra added benefit of being healthier. Margarine is available. and I know the dairy industry will contest this forever and a day. but butter is not good for you. And lets just skip over the "essential egg" propaganda. Eggs are not necessary or essential. and there is plenty of evidence they are not good for you.

The only parts of sticking at vegetarianism that i think is worth considering is that there are plenty of people addicted to cheese. And then there are all the store bought baked goods that include milk and/or butter and/or eggs that we all like. . but you know what? Cheese and cookies are not that good for you either.

Anyway in my book the "sacrifices" the a person needs to make to go from vegetarian to vegan really aren't all that great. And as far as cruelty goes... well there are lots less dairy cows than beef cows. and lots less layers than broilers. but dairy cows and layers lead the worst lives of just about any type of livestock. At least beef cows spend a couple of years just hanging out.

And then when you add in the suffering and pain that the animals used for fur goes thru, plus some of the unnecessary pain and suffering lab animals go thru in the cosmetics industry. well.... it sort of makes vegetarian seem like a half measure.
2017-03-01 1:07 pm
In the long run, dairy is very unhealthy. Show her some youtube clips from vegan documentaries or studies that show how unhealthy dairy and eggs are.

75 percent of the world is lactose intolerant. Is cow's breast milk and chickens eggs really necessary for humans? Sounds crazy huh?

Show her a video of a chicken laying an egg too. It's pretty gross. Eggs are chicken's menstrual periods after all.
Also, dairy has been shown to even decrease bone health. You should do more research and then bombard her with the truth
2017-03-02 3:35 am
You don't mention your age, so I would contact your doctor Before going Vegan, to make sure your body doesn't still require meat or meta protein, so it will develop properly.
As to being against the dairy and meat industry, well that's fine. But be sure your body gets what it needs first.
參考: Professional Chef
2017-03-01 11:27 am
You tell her what you told us. You don't support the dairy nor meat industry.
2017-03-01 12:29 pm
You should tell her you don't support the dairy nor meat industry.
2017-03-01 9:31 pm
2017-03-01 11:48 am
As a man of God, I believe no meat should be eaten. I only eat the freshest of milk and drink the freshest of eggs, straight from the pig's utter. During my teen years I made a mistake and did a lot of marijuana. Now I know that weed is a vegetable and should not be eaten since all lives matter. Hope this answers your question.

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