Help me with my veganism!?

2017-02-28 10:25 am
Hello, so im a vegan and i find myself busy busy busy. On the days i have work i go to school until 2:30 and then work from 3-8, and i feel like i have literally no time to cook or eat enough. Its hard to find time to make and eat enough for the day. i want to be healthy and not damaging my body. How do i eat enough? Super fast things to make? also, it seems like i get full fast so then and then an hour later ill want more more but by that time im at school or work and cant make or eat anything. What do i do? Thank you!

回答 (10)

2017-02-28 10:47 am
Try to sleep an hour earlier so you can wake up a little earlier and pack a lunch and another meal for when you are on break at work. Sandwiches are easy and can be nutritious, here are some options-

Option 1-
P B & J on whole wheat bread
bottle water

Option 2-
Almond butter and sliced banana sandwich on whole whole wheat bread
2 tangerines
bottle water

Option 3-
Hummus on pita
bottle water

Option 4-
Sliced avocado sandwich on rye bread
2 oz peanuts
bottle water

Option 5-
Large blueberry muffin
granola bar
bottle water
參考: vegetarian athlete
2017-03-01 2:33 am
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
tomato, lettuce and cucumber sandwiches,
One day a week, cook enough rice for the week, freeze it in portions you need. Mix with beans and salsa and heat for a quick hot meal.
Nuke a potato and serve canned beans over it along with that salsa
Invest in a few vegan friendly fake meat products for a sandwich now and then
cereal and alternative milk is quick too.
2017-02-28 12:18 pm
I do a lot of my cooking on the weekends.
It takes a while to learn what you like and which meals you can cook fast and also where you can find time saving steps. but as you learn, things get easier and faster.

For instance, when i prepare my lunches, I take a loaf of bread out of the freezer. line up the slices and make the whole loaf into PB&J sandwiches. The sandwiches go right back into the bread bag and then right back into the freezer. Anytime i don't have time to make lunch (or breakfast or a snack) I got a PB&J that just needs to be defrosted.

I make a half gallon of pasta sauce at a time. Separate it into 4 jars and put 3 in the freezer. Always have one in the frig. Then when you get home you are only a few minutes away from having a pasta dinner. You can make a double portion and take the leftovers to school with you the next day.

You can do the same thing with your chili reciepe, your lentil stew recipe, and any soup recipe.

Change your burrito recipe so it makes 10. I like my buritoes a little on the smaller side so I just had to double my recipe. don't use any fresh lettuce. but you can add just about everything else right to the mix. Salsa, vegan cheese, chopped tomatoes, etc. Then you just assembly line the whole bag of tortillas. the buritoes can go into individual zip lock bags or you can wrap them in wax paper (so they don't stick together) and put them in a plastic bag in the freezer. I have the wax paper you can microwave. a frozen burrito takes 2 minutes in the microwave. Good for a quick meal - I even sometimes have one for breakfast.

The other thing i mass produce is baked crispy tofu. I make a pound of it at a time. it stays in the frig and I can add it to 5 minute stir frys, 5 minute ramen soups, and it goes great in veggie wraps.

To keep yourself full at work or at school, just throw an apple in your lunch bag every day (or two). Also you can make yourself a big bag of homemade granola or trail mix or what we call Gorp. I make a half gallon at a time and actually keep it in a half gallon pitcher. Then I can just pour some in a zip lock bag and take it with me - where ever i go. Mine usually contains granola, almond slivers, peanuts, raisins, dried fruit pieces....

oh one more idea! I also make my morning smoothies - a half gallon at a time. Then i spit it up into three contains. Monday and tuesday's in the frig and the one in the freezer in a shaker bottle. The one in the freezer can go to work with me and get defrosted at work if i have to put in an extra long day.
2017-02-28 11:01 am
as soon as you get home try and make time to make some food for the next day, and remember eating fast isn't good for you.
2017-02-28 10:39 am
Always eat a good breakfast, make a batch of soup and take a flask to school or work each day. Sandwiches are always quick and easy, crackers and hummus, a box filled with salad or pasta salad. Always have a stash of fresh and dried fruit in your bag and a container of nuts and seeds.
2017-02-28 12:54 pm
You could try the traditional Japanese thing and devote one day a week to making the food for your lunch meals during the rest of the week. That way it's just 1-2-3-4 and out the door. Get a lunch box (or a "bento") and stuff it full of the stuff you made before. I use mine for lunch and dinner if need be.
2017-02-28 10:48 am
Meal prep in advance!

My favorite thing to make (in the winter, but also pretty much all year round) is vegetable soup. Totally from scratch and is super easy. I just sautee onion and garlic in the pot with a bit of oil, pour in a can or two of diced tomatoes, and add water. Then, I add whatever veggies and beans I have around - usually a can or two of chickpeas and/or kidney beans, zucchini, kale, carrots, potatoes... any veggies you like! I usually make a few quarts at a time, store it in small batches so I can take it with me to work for lunch or reheat it at home for dinner.

I basically add chickpeas to anything - salad, pastas, whatever - to make sure there is protein involved. I even like to roast them with olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper for a crunchy snack. Throw some greens, chickpeas or other beans, and whatever veggies you like into a container and you have a salad to bring with you!

Also, nuts! Nuts are fattening, but will help fill you up.

If you are pressed for time during the week, the key is to prep food whenever you can. If you're making yourself a meal, purposely cook enough so you have leftovers for a day or two.
2017-03-01 3:49 am
Humus as a dip with potato chips or doritos
2017-02-28 10:29 am
This is why vegan's life spans are shorter. Keep living your "healthy lifestyle" and you'll be dead by 55
2017-02-28 10:30 am
Hmm eat some dickk

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