請幫忙翻譯下面的文字,謝謝。 你坐在那裡,我從這裡悄悄看著你的側臉。你一定感受到了我炙熱的目光,轉過頭來會心的笑了。你就像那冬日里明媚的陽光,照亮了我。謝謝你,我親愛的。?

2017-02-28 10:11 am

回答 (3)

2017-02-28 1:06 pm

You are just sitting there from where I can see your side face quietly. You got to feel my fiery eyes, and return with a knowing smile. You have brightened me just like the winter sunshine.

Thank you, my dear!
2017-02-28 11:33 am
Having glanced your side of the face quietly while I am sitting over there; then you may feel my eyes are looking at you with glare;and hence being the smile from your own heart. As if you were the winter's sunlight shone on me. My dear thank you. Yip
2017-02-28 10:14 am
金剛經~~~凡所有相如夢幻泡影 如露亦如電 應作如是觀

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