I'm upset that bf never tries to do cute stuff for me like he did with his ex? Am I over thinking ? Why girls guy?

2017-02-27 2:38 pm
My and I been dating for a year and he has never wrote me any love letter or done anything cute for any of our anniversary he didn't ask me out in any cute way or anything he doesn't show me off on social media or anything he doesn't take me on dates or we never been on a date ( we go out but not in a date ) i have giving him several love letters and tried to show him off n social media .. I tried doing cute stuff for him but it never works out.. I get jealous over the last relationship he had with his ex 2 years ago .. he has told me he gave her SEVERAL loved letters .. would always buy her small gift , flowers .. and ask her family for their blessing and took her out somewhere cute to ask her out .. he told me all this beautiful things he did for her .. but he has never done anything like that with me .. DONT TAKE ME WRONG he has done several thing but nothing to intimate like he did for her .. i feel like he is never going to love me more then he love her .. it makes me sad to feel this way I don't want to tell h bcuz he might think I'm insecure and he tries not to talk about her and I'm scared to hear what he wants to say.. help what should I do? Am I over thinking ?

回答 (1)

2017-02-27 2:49 pm
How can you have a boyfriend who never even took you out on a date? I think you've taught him what is okay with you.

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