Ways to work in theatre without college?

2017-02-27 7:45 am
I'm in an arts school now, but I cannot stand classroom settings. I've worked on two shows and I want to work more consistently. Before I continue, I'm not an actor. I'm a stage manager and production assistant. I love backstage and production work. Can anyone help out here? College just isn't for me.

回答 (3)

2017-02-27 10:16 am
Honestly it will hard to be a professional stage manager without a degree (but not impossible). You can also look into things like being a props master or someone else involved in the art department or production design department. If you're willing to get a certificate (some education) maybe you can try a more you technical career light a lighting or sound technician. Maybe cosmology training to be a make-up artist.

Your best bet would be to find a mentor - someone doing what you want to do - and work with them whenever you can.
2017-02-28 2:55 am
Look into your local theatres. start there
2017-02-27 7:47 am
Become a janitor. You'll be working in the theater.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:29:46
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