Why are guys petty texters?

2017-02-26 1:47 pm
I've been texting this guy and I always find that when I leave him on seen, the next time I text him, he leaves me on seen. Once, we were texting back and forth promptly, but I went to wash off my face and prep for bed. This took me fifteen minutes. I replied to his text after fifteen minutes and he waited fifteen minutes to text me back !!??? Why is he this way? Why are men so petty? ( please don't take this as sexist, just lighthearted. I don't mean to offend anyone)

回答 (2)

2017-02-26 1:55 pm
Cuz I guess it's like a game for them, or maybe just playing hard to get. Good Luck!
2017-02-26 2:24 pm
He is not interested and playing games i treat text as if we were face to face

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