Heart pounding during the middle of the night and finding it hard to breath when trying to go back to sleep, what's happening?

2017-02-25 4:23 pm
I'm currently in uni studying Electrical&Electronics Engineering first year BEng. I'm finding it good however the Mathematics module is stressing me out. I'm really worried I won't even get 40percent in that module. Since the result of the recent test I did, I have been waking up in the middle of the night with my heart has been pounding and then finding it really difficult to breath when trying to go back to sleep. Then I think that when I do fall a sleep, I'll stop breathing.

回答 (3)

2017-02-25 11:13 pm
I can answer your question for you:

What you are experiencing is something called TMS--tension myositis syndrome, now sometimes called tension myoneural syndrome. It is a psycho-physiological disorder which can cause numerous kinds of symptoms, including the panic attacks you experience, (your 'difficulty breathing'), heart palpitations, and sleeplessness. Yes, it is stress related.

Read the book "The Great Pain Deception: faulty medical advice is making us worse" by Steven Ray Ozanich. This book is about the work of John E. Sarno MD. Also read "The Divided Mind: the mindbody epidemic" by Sarno. Also look up Dr. Sarno on youtube.com. You will find dozens of videos about him and numerous "Sarno changed my life" stories.

In fact, go to 'thankyoudrsarno.org' to read a lot of heartfelt thanks to Sarno for changing people's lives. There is also tmswiki.org.

Learning about TMS is the best thing you can do for your health and you will be healthier and happier for the rest of your life.

2017-02-27 8:44 am
Tell a dr. about this; there are good meds for sleep, anxiety and stress.
2017-02-25 4:37 pm
I'm no medical expert but you could be having anxiety attacks or it could be something like afib (atrial fibrillation). There are many triggers for afib, I'm on meds, NO caffeine, and no sleeping on my left side. I would guess in your situation it may be anxiety, but you should still tell your Dr. and maybe wear a monitor to see if it's heart related.

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