I can't think of school without getting super anxious and scared?!!?

2017-02-25 3:13 pm
I'm on vacation and haven't been to school since last Friday and it's Friday night right now. I've had one week off from school (February break) and my teacher assigned a 2 minute oral presentation on the day we get back. I'm horrified as it is to even go back, but I can't do this project!!!!! I didn't know we were supposed to read this book, no one did he didn't assign it, and I can't talk in front of people without notes. I barely can when I actually know what I'm gunna say!!!!!! It's 2 AM and all I've been able to think about all week is school and my heart beats so fast and I can't breathe and want to ******* cry when I think about going back in less than 2 days. I'm a sophomore in high school and I basically stayed in all week long because my parents work all day and I don't have a car, just my permit. So I did nothing to take my mind off of school which is haunting me as we get closer to Monday. I have issues with going anyway but never this much. I really really can't do this presentation I'm about to cry whenever it's on my mind I can't do I really can't. I don't know what to do I've been feeling like this more and more everyday and now it's Saturday and I can barely function oh my god I can't go back!!! It's already Saturday I'm trying to explain the feeling I get when I think this it's horrible please help me I don't know what to do or why my ******* teacher assigns this the day we get back from break!!! please help me I'm really freaking out I can't stop help me :(

回答 (1)

2017-02-27 8:48 am
Everyone hates to do oral reports, but teachers will always require them, so tell a dr. about your problems. There are good meds for anxiety.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:17:07
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