I feel unhappy all the time, don't have an interest in doing anything, and don't want to talk to anyone anymore, am I depressed?

2017-02-25 5:36 am
I've been feeling really upset, hopeless, useless, and just plain don't like myself or think I deserve anything good to happen to me. At night these feelings are SO MUCH MORE WORSE, and my feelings are more intensified to the point where I sometimes cut. I've tried talking to my family, and they don't understand or seem annoyed. So I don't tell them about it anymore. I have one friend, and don't talk to her about it either because she has enough going on... So I just try to deal with it. I feel like I want to get help, but I have to apply for insurance first. I keep asking my dad to take me to apply (I'm 19 and in college so I know I'm eligible for it) but I never get to go and don't have a vehicle to get there... I just feel so trapped and my feelings are such a mess that I don't know what to do anymore...

回答 (3)

2017-02-27 9:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Its a symptom of depression. It means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin. Depression is common but easy to treat. So tell a dr. how you feel and ask for an antidepressant.-------

The one that worked best for me was Sertraline. It takes 2-3 wks for your body to adjust to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will become a relaxed, confident, healthy person.------------------------

Find some big happy churches, attend age-appropriate groups there and have fun. Talk with the pastor/minister. A good one can show you how to have perfect peace. And where else can you get counseling for FREE? Remember, God loves you more than you can possibly imagine.
2017-02-25 9:04 am
2017-02-25 7:34 am
You might talk with a school counselor, and tell them what you wrote here (you could print your question and take it with you). They will be able to help you - and it might not require you to have insurance. You should probably get the insurance anyway though...

Best of luck to you!
參考: Several years ago I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, and was put on antidepressants and got therapy for it. Since then I've been able to get off the antidepressants and feel much better.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:14:57
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