I'm not graduating highschool, is my future going to crash?

2017-02-24 9:13 am
I'm not graduating highschool, I have so many classes to make up beyond repair and it's senior year. I've already accepted that fact but apparently no one else has. Going to school is literally a bother and a waste as of now. Everyone keeps telling me that graduating is so important and that I have to/Can (when I can't) make it and that if I don't graduate then I won't have a "Life". Honestly what does that even mean. Does not receiving a piece of paper mean that I have little to no means of ways to live a good life? Well if that's the case, Because it apparently is to society, I shouldn't even be alive right now. I'm not graduating, which means that I won't have a life, right? So that only makes sense. I'm joking of course I know that I'll still have a life. But is it really THAT bad that people make it out to be. Sure, I won't go to a fancy college, sure, I probably won't pursue certain things that I love to do, but does that really mean I'm basically screwed? I couldn't care less for school, I literally don't. School isn't what builds a person and their character. It's life that builds a person, and who they are. School is just a place where kids are forced to go for like 12 years. Like. Okay.

回答 (4)

2017-02-24 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm sorry to tell you this but the truth is, your future will crash. That piece of paper, also known as your diploma, will open up doors to jobs and careers. Without it, you will not be able to live your life comfortably and the way you want it to. Please try your best in school. It is not a waste, please try to make up your classes. I don't fully know your situation in school, but try to reach out to people that will help you repair it. You can do it. Others will be so proud and happy when you graduate and you probably will be too.
2017-02-24 9:19 am
Good. Now get a job and support yourself, because the rest of us don't want to support you for the rest of your life. Earn your keep.
2017-02-24 12:58 pm
Well welcome to the real world 😉 Stop being a dumbass and retake your classes you failed and finish high school. Do you want to be a loser and have your parents help you pay everything? Grow up and graduate and think of a trade school job which schooling last a year or much less. Here are some careers visit your counselor and local vocational school/community college
. http://www.onlineschoolscenter.com/30-high-paying-trade-school-degrees/

2017-02-24 10:47 am
It is, in fact, true that what you will be doing for the rest of your life depends on the skills you have to offer. If you have no skills, collecting trash, cleaning streets or septic tanks, and jobs of a similar nature will be open to you and little else. You decide.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:36:03
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