Have you ever experienced road rage?

2017-02-22 9:26 pm

回答 (11)

2017-02-22 9:34 pm
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Only when people tailgate me, brake suddenly or don't use their indicator.
2017-02-22 11:14 pm
2017-02-22 11:07 pm
yeah, some maniac was on my tail trying to run me off the road, i threw a full can of mt dew out my sunroof
2017-02-22 10:18 pm
Let's just say that sometimes Mio wishes the Red (or Blue) Shell from Mario Kart was real
2017-02-22 9:59 pm
Yes, idiots on cell phones were the cause. But I realized its how I react to it that counts just as much. When you get enraged, your letting someone push your buttons.
2017-02-22 9:42 pm
yes bird flip you
2017-02-22 9:33 pm
No I don't drive
2017-02-22 9:33 pm
Yes I have, my dad was driving and had to suddenly break because the car In front of us came to a sudden stop. The guy behind us thought it was my dad's fault so proceeded to cuss him out. My dad is one of the most respected people in his circles so Ive never heard anyone talk to him this way. It angers me to this day. I would love to torture and murder that fùcker.
2017-02-22 9:31 pm
2017-02-22 9:31 pm
I've had it and been the victim of it.
2017-02-22 9:27 pm
Yeah, I've just never flown off the handle and done something violent while experiencing it.

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