...Why do you think you should get best answer?

2017-02-22 8:44 pm
Please, enlighten me.

回答 (6)

2017-02-23 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't.
Why do you think I should get best answer?
That is the only important question for you.
Not for me.
Consider yourself enlightened.
2017-02-22 9:09 pm
Mine is the most adult. The most educated of answers.
2017-02-22 9:01 pm
Because I can find you find you someone who'd be happy to give you oral sex
2017-02-22 8:58 pm
oooh me me me! just cause i want it 😉 haha
2017-02-22 8:57 pm
Because I'm bold enough to tell you that you didn't even ask a legitimate question here.
2017-02-22 8:53 pm
I like the color BLUE

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