Is it bad to send emails out at 3 AM?

2017-02-22 2:46 pm
I own my own business where I am my only employee. My work is to tend to my clients' real estate files.

I work during the day from 10 AM - 3 PM but then if I have extra work and I'm up, I will work from any time around 10 PM - 3 AM.

Does it send a good or bad message if I work during times where I happen to be awake/free?

回答 (5)

2017-02-22 2:48 pm
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it's not bad to send emails out at 3am.
people will check their emails when they wake up.
2017-02-22 2:56 pm
Whenever I see emails sent at that time I think it was a programmed thing ....a programmed ad thing...if I know the person I do wonder why they couldn't or wouldn't be sleeping at that time though..But Business is business should be judged by no one really but we all tend to do it some point. If your a good agent I highly doubt any time an email is sent matters at all.
2017-02-28 1:31 pm
I do this regularly and the only thing I sometimes hear is, "When do you sleep?" If someone doesn't want to check their email in the middle of the night, that's perfectly fine with me. People who run global networks might be sending at 3AM when it's someone else's middle of the afternoon.
2017-02-24 1:12 am
only if the recipient has a system to alert them they have 'mail' and it will disturb them
2017-02-22 2:48 pm

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