How to protect yourself from cancer ?

2017-02-22 1:56 pm
Cancer can attack any age?

Young or old
It doesn't matter

回答 (10)

2017-02-28 12:59 am
Do not let the word cancer scares you. Here I am living with an incurable disease for decades and I am still living and am living happily. I am nearly 65 with grandchildren and I am still going to school studying as well as studying at home and needless to say with loads of hobbies. I struggle a lot with pains and aches and more. However struggling makes me feel alive.
2017-02-24 11:17 am
keep your immune system strong at all times... it is your immune system that keeps cancer cells in check. whenever one of your cells become cancerous you have certain white blood cells called natural killer cells and T-cells that come in and kill the cancerous cell.. if your immune system is compromised in anyway it could put you in risk of cancer and also viruses and etc...
2017-02-22 10:29 pm
You can't. The best you can do is make the best health choices possible and hope. Even then you are only slightly less likely to have cancer. Make the sane choice not to live in perpetual fear of something that may never happen instead of endlessly posting about your irrational fears.
2017-02-22 9:57 pm
Nothing protects you but not smoking or drinking alcohol or eating junk food and doing daily exercise puts you at a lower risk of cancer.
2017-02-22 6:08 pm
The older you get, the more likely you are to get cancer.
2017-02-22 4:07 pm
Most commonly it occurs in the over 50's (80%).
All the things that are good for your general good health reduce your risk.
2017-02-22 1:58 pm
Eat healthy, don't smoke
2017-02-27 1:50 pm
Don't think about it and you won't get it.
2017-02-23 9:58 pm
Any Cancer, lupus, HIV/AIDS, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, etc., —Common Signs & Symptoms:
Sudden loss of weight/stamina, anemia, unbearable pains in any organ despite medication, neuralgia, FATIGUE-getting extremely tired for a little or no work, loss of appetite, unhealed wound in any part of the body for years together, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhages, haemoptysis, nagging cough, full bloated feeling, small, bean-shaped glands in your neck, armpits, and other places , painless in testes, etc. Cancer may affect from any organ to any organ[s]/system[s].

‘No Cancer’ can ever hit suddenly. It takes years of suffering with unhealed wounds/injuries.
“The stages of grief: denial -> anger -> bargaining -> depression -> acceptance. If you don't take the diagnosis with a strong, positive attitude, it can crush your will to live.”
It is a universal truth to say that "ANY CANCER IS CURABLE, IF DIAGNOSED EARLY".
Acupressure Techniques ensure instant diagnosis of any disease/cancer with identification of affected organ[s]. However, it is subject to confirmation by Allopathic Investigative procedures like US/CT/MRI/MRE/PET SCAN AND FINE NEEDLE BIOPSY.

1. It is most unfortunate to have so many cancer victims in generations.
2. In such families, besides genetic predispositions, maybe, causes and living conditions might be similar.
3. When such offspring must prefer to marry spouses from non-cancerous families.
4. They must know the causes and preventive steps to lead a cancer-free live.
5. Beware of Cancer Symptoms: Sudden loss of weight/stamina, anemia, unbearable pains in any organ despite medication, neuralgia, getting extremely tired for a little or no work, loss of appetite, unhealed wound in any part of the body for years together, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhages, hemoptysis, etc. Cancer may affect from any organ to any organ[s]/system[s].
b. Prevention is feasible by avoiding the causes cited.
Cure is feasible by Target Therapy.

No Cancer can ever hit suddenly. It takes years of suffering with unhealed wounds/injuries. Cancer is a complex disease caused by many different factors.

A. Cancer Causes*:

1. Chronic & severe constipation [+ heavy quantum of accumulated feces in the rectum & the large intestine] with a displaced solar plexus. Bad diet with pizzas, burgers, deep freeze and deep fried chicken/pork/hot dogs, high rich calorie diets-obesity, etc. As a result, most of the Americans/Europeans are cancer victims due to chronic constipation issues.
3. Hormonal imbalance. Hormone Therapy with steroids after Menopause.
4. Heavy exposure to asbestos, pollution from industrial wastes, tobacco consumption and or smoking. Pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, msg, are carcinogenic.
5. Chronic & Unhealed allergies, wounds/injuries caused by bacterial/viral/metabolic syndromes/diseases with blocked energy + toxins in any internal organ.
• 6. Sexual promiscuity, Perverted anal/oral sex, hetero-sex [not mono-sex], homosexual amongst transgenders, resulting in chronic and unhealed STDs/infections/wounds/injuries, etc., bad personal hygiene [not washing gonads after coitus] & indiscriminate consumption of birth control pills 'with no' medical supervision by endocrinologist/gynecologist/physician. Long term use of the oral contraceptive pill (containing synthetic estrogens and progestogens) increases the risk of liver and breast cancer
7. Chronic Stress & Strain.
Anything that weakens or stresses your immune system can lead to cancer, for example:

8. Lack of exercise & ever increasing obese bodies. Fatty liver,Eating junk food, red meat, diet soda.
9. Out of every 10 lung cancer patients, 9 are smokers. Tobacco dipping, chewing and smoking [pot]/hukka by females hasten menopause and for the males lung/throat/esophageal/oral cancer assured—an American study published in
10. Regular consumption of ‘colas’ with massive doses of insecticides, freely available in India. Regular & excessive alcohol consumption. If staple diet/food includes pizzas, burgers, deep freezed and deep fried chicken, mutton, pork cured meat, etc.
11. Skin Cancer Exposure to Sun’s rays @ odd hours [90 minutes after sunrise, beyond 60 minutes before sunset and anytime during strong winds] and excessive exposure to radiation emanating from cell phones, transmission towers, etc., Tattooing is carcinogenic.
24/7-- Wearing of bra by the modern woman. In the 'Bra and Breast Cancer Study' in the United States , It was discovered that women with breast cancer had a history of sporting tighter and longer bra-wearing than did the women who had not (yet) developed the disease.
In fact, virtually the entire cancer group wore bras over 12 hours. When a woman wears a tight bra, she subjects her breasts to pressure, closing off the lymphatic pathway from the breast to the nodes. This causes fluid built-up swelling, tenderness and cyst formation. Toxins must be flushed out via the lymphatic. However, a bra-constricted breast cannot adequately perform this cleansing process, resulting in toxin accumulation in the breast.

12. Late marriages and late pregnancies, avoiding breast feeding the infant—breast cancer.
2017-02-23 10:36 am
No, that's not true, cancer can't attack at any age.
Many cancers are only in the older population like lung, breast, colon cancer.

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