Why is it damn near impossible to quit smoking?

2017-02-22 12:52 pm

回答 (37)

2017-02-24 8:49 am
Nicotine planted in the smokers brain
2017-02-24 6:39 am
MY MAN, i feel u . smoking is as addicting as a sweet lovin women an a six pack. but sometimes uu gottto stop havin that sweet brewski and stop touchin those girlsies. jjus likw those smokies. i luv u n I hope this helps.
2017-02-24 3:42 am
Nicotine is the reason.I try to leave smoking from two days and when i remember that i have to smoke then put a chewing gum on my mouth.Its working.
2017-02-23 5:13 am
That means it is possible, because the word impossible itself says " I M POSSIBLE " :)
2017-02-23 3:32 am
Been there and yes done that. I just kept thinking about the relatives that lost their lives to it. Some wich had throats slit and lost their voices. I stepped up and stopped ! No gum, patches or E. ciggarettes ! Don't let the media fool you, it is not easy but very possible !!!
2017-03-28 7:46 am
Because it is addictive.

I smoked to be a cool teenager in the 1970's. I was a social smoker. My friends who smoked were mad that I did not smoke all day every day because they HAD to. I smoked when I wanted to smoke. I made rules for myself. No smoking before noon. No smoking in the house. No smoking in the car. Sometimes I only smoked on weekends. Yes, I did inhale. I could smoke a whole pack in a weekend and then not smoke again until the following weekend without craving a cig. I guess you could say that I was one that just did not become addicted to nicotine. Strange, I know, but true.

Fast forward twenty years. Still, I smoked, but my pack of cigs would get stale before I finished them. So, why did I smoke? Well, I figured that because I smoked so little, it did not matter all that much. Then, my mother died from lung cancer, attributed to smoking. Oh no.

Even then, I still lit up on occasion. Stupidly so. A friend was doing a thesis on hypnosis. I was her subject for "Living a healthier life". I had one session out of four and that night I went out and went to light a cig and my throat closed up and I physically just could not inhale that smoke. That was the last time a cig hit my lips.
I enjoyed a cig every now and again and thought I was safe because I smoked so seldom. But, after being hypnotized, my body flat out rejected the smoke. In my mind, I wanted to smoke but my body said no can do.

So, get hypnotized.............it WORKS.
2017-02-27 10:35 am
Here's an idea.............just stop smoking.

Need motivation?

1. Talk to your doctor about how deadly smoking is.

2. Get a jar, and put all of the money into the jar, that you would have used on the cigarettes.

Doing those two things will give you motivation to stop smoking.
2017-02-27 9:57 am
Nicotine is physically addictive. That's why. Smoking is more than a dirty habit. It's an addiction. And like all addiction when you try to stop you go through withdrawal symptoms...headaches, irritability, sweats, nervousness, etc.
2017-02-26 9:44 pm
2017-02-22 1:32 pm

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