why do christians think that the stories founded by jews were really divine? honestly, most traditional jews?

2017-02-22 2:51 am
that ive met were pricks who think their race was superior and youre not invited.
nb. i also know some modern jews who are cool and are good friends of mine.

回答 (9)

2017-02-22 3:18 am
Jewish People are God's chosen people that he selected to spread/keep his word. They have a history of turning their back on Him, going through extraordinary hardships, and returning to Him. These "stories" are considered divine God-inspired scriptures that have survived the test of time, changed the world, and could not be contained. Pagans have tried to destroy these "stories" through oput history and cant do it because they are Dvine.
2017-02-22 8:16 am
The whole bible is inspired by God. Read it and learn.
2017-02-22 3:29 am
I think you missed a lot.
2017-02-22 3:17 am
I know Hitler was right!!
2017-02-22 3:10 am
Should it really matter what other people think about what I believe? I don't believe because it's the popular thing to do
2017-02-22 3:01 am
Oh an by this question I can tell you are a real peach of a person and are completely respectable and I should pay attention to everything you say

2017-02-22 2:58 am
This is because they where not founded by Jews !! DRIP!
2017-02-22 2:56 am
God realized most Jews were corrupt and he disowned them. But some like the apostles and Jesus were good men. Anyone who can make the universe and make a planet habitable, can make a book say what he wants it to say.
The reason you feel that way is because some people are good and loyal and kind and some are brutal. In all races, religions, tribes and skin colors. www.jw.org
2017-02-22 2:55 am
The Christian Creed acknowledges that the Holy Spirit spoke through the Prophets. This acknowledges that God revealed himself to the descendents of Abraham and Isaac.

It would be incorrect to limit this understanding to elements of prophecy which Christians claim to be speaking of Jesus.

It is good to have friends that are bit Christian. It makes you understand what Christians are that others just take as normal human being things. Do be aware that first century Judaism is common to Modern Judaism and Christianity, but there has been divergent development.

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