✔ 最佳答案
"how are you going to get your protein."
Is the most often asked questions of vegans. Eventually you will get tired of answering it. but for now just assume its a question based on the asker's concern for your health and welfare.
People who do ask that question must be somewhat misinformed or ignorant about nutrition. Maybe the best answer is just "I'll eat plants. plants have protein". or you could try and be a little more informative and say, " I'll eat plants. You know that is all cows, elephants, gorillas, and rhinos eat."
"your probably going to have to vitamins"
Yes I will take a multivitamin. most people should. Lots of people have vitamin deficiencies (and they are not all vegans) . They are cheap too. Just 10¢ a day. much cheaper than meat.
"where are you going to get your calcium?"
Soy milk and orange juice are fortified with calcium. Beans have calcium. tofu has calcium. Broccoli has calcium. Almonds have calcium. And if i need more I can get a calcium supplement. they are the cheapest supplements there are.
Your still growing and need to proper nutrients."
You are right, and a lot of teenage girls are calcium deficient or even a little anemic who aren't even vegan. and being vegan is not going to help in those areas. Thats why I'm going to make sure that I consume at least one serving of beans and at least one serving of dark green veggies every day.
Ok. time for you to start getting Veg-u-cated.
Now some people insist that you get Vegucated before you go vegan. but I am not one of those people. You can't damage yourself in the 3 - 4 weeks it takes to get vegetated. (you need to read about 5 minutes a day, for 20 to 30 days for a good foundation) .
There are a few really good strategies to get vegucated. My number one recommendation is the " 30 Day Vegan Challenge". You can buy the book for $10 or take the course. An abbreviated version of the course is now available for free. Go to the "Cowspiracy" web page and scroll to the bottom to find the link.
Another good course is the PCRM's "Vegan Kick Start". You might like that one better because its more comprehensive AND structured. It also has a social media component.
Or you could just go to the library and ask the librarian. There are lots of good books. The idiots guide or the dummy's guide are both good. But there are dozens to choose from.
And while you are at the library check out some vegan cookbooks. and peruse some back issues of the Vegetarian Times.
And here are some good suggestions than might help you right now.
Read this article.
Check out this website
and this one
this Free From Harm website is worth spending some time exploring.
Another suggestion that i have is to start tracking nutrients. its actually pretty easy. once you get past the steep part of the learning curve it takes less than 5 minutes a day. and start doing it now before you get all vegetated. its good to have some history.
I really like CronOmeter. but i used to use spark people.