What should I do about a guy who claims to be in love with me but does not know me?He lives in morocco and I in the U.S. It's weird.Read pls?

2017-02-22 12:02 am
Ok so this one guy added me on facebook and were getting to know each other for a few weeks. Me just as friend because like making new friends. But then he started saying how much he likes me and how he wants to get married in the future and be a dad. Basically taking things way to fast. I was not looking for anything in particular just being nice. And well I ended up blocking him but he found my what's app number and he messaged me on there. He told my friend that he showed his picture to his older sister and family and that they all loved me. And he said he is ready to marry me and meet my mom. Like I don't know what to say I'm just shocked. I mean he's good looking and all but like ahh it's just a little weird. I know there customs are different then Americans. But I mean he should know that some people need to date first. Honestly I'm a 24 year old Hispanic who is sorta punk and emo I love the rock scene and I'm a photographer for bands. And even though I someday want a family I don't want to be rushed. What can I tell this guy?? Yes I want someone but he just creeping me out. Yes he is real good looking and does not look weird. But I don't know what to do. What should I tell him so he can calm down??? Or make him understand that my culture is not like his and I wont tolerate to be bossed around. I am my own boss with my house and job. He's been nothing but nice to me but some serious advice would do me some good right now. Please help and thank you all:)

回答 (4)

2017-02-22 1:13 am
No normal man tells a woman he loves him after just a few weeks of talking especially since you have never met
Either he is mentally ill, or he's a scammer. In either case you should stop talking to him

Customs are not different there. It's not normal in Morocco for any man to tell a women he wants to marry her after just a few weeks. Either a marriage is arranged by the families, or the couple meets and are together at least a year and have met each others families many times before marriage is even mentioned
2017-02-22 12:50 am
Does the word # green card # mean anything to you? Here is your answer.
2017-02-22 12:06 am
This sounds like a scam artist and you should block him and refuse all contact with him. These people gain your trust and start manipulating you into parting with your personal and banking information. Some even get you to engage in sexting and sending nude pictures of yourself, which they then use to blackmail you. Stop all contact now.

At the very least, anyone talking marriage without actually meeting you is extremely suspect.

So, don't tell him anything. Just cut all contact. This guy isn't to be trusted.
2017-02-22 12:03 am
Oh grow up.

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