Find the value of x, x^15 = 32768.. Please help?

2017-02-21 7:25 pm
How to find the value of x?

回答 (3)

2017-02-21 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Method 1 :
x^15 = 32768
x^15 = 2^15
x = 2

Method 2 :
x^15 = 32768
(x^15)^(1/15) = (32768)^(1/15)
x = (2^15)^(1/15)
x = 2

Method 3 :
x^15 = 32768
log(x^15) = log(32768)
15log(x) = log(32768)
log(x) = (1/15)log(32768)
x = 10^[(1/15)log(32768)]
x = 2
2017-02-21 9:11 pm
32768 is a well known power of 2
32768 = 2^15

x^15 = 32768 = 2^15
x = 2
2017-02-21 7:30 pm
Use a calculator - 15th root of 33768... is x

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