What is the pH of a solution measured to be 0.10 M in sodium acetate and 0.20 M in acetic acid? [Ka= 1.8*10^-5]?

2017-02-21 3:26 pm
a. 3.32
b. 4.44
c. 9.90
d. 2.21
e. 6.22

回答 (1)

2017-02-21 3:44 pm
CH₃COOH(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ CH₃COO⁻(aq) + H₃O⁺(aq) …. Ka

pH = pKa + log([CH₃COO⁻]/[CH₃COOH]
= -log(1.8 × 10⁻⁵) + log(0.10/0.20)
= 4.44

The answer: b. 4.44

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