If my dad takes me to court, and I live in KS and he lives in California, and I m not even sixteen, where will we meet to have a hearing?

2017-02-21 4:37 am

My dad thinks I was harassing/stalking him, and I wasn't and still am not, I looked up the definition, and one message almost 4 years ago doesn't qualify.

回答 (4)

2017-02-21 9:33 am
He can file the lawsuit in California and leave it there or he can then have the case transferred to Kansas. However, he would not do that because it would cost him money to travel to Kansas. It would make much more sense to file it in CA and to make you and your mom travel to KS for any appearances.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2017-02-21 6:17 am
Either KS or Cali. Since he is taking you to court, it's his decision. On the other hand, why is he taking you to court? Your mother might have a say in it.
2017-02-21 4:42 am
It will probably be in California, where the b8tch lives. And he can't sue you, you're still just a child. He can sue your custodial parent though.
2017-02-21 4:40 am
He can't bring a civil case against you anywhere. You are a minor.

He can't bring a criminal case - only the DA can decide to do that. Did he file a police report? If so, where?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:13:45
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