Why is it that when people become Muslims, they behead everyone and do terrorism?

2017-02-21 2:55 am
Maybe they should try being Christians, who do what is right.

回答 (90)

2017-02-21 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Like bomb clinics and set up indoctrination camps for their kids.
參考: Stereotyping is fun!
2017-02-21 3:03 am
wrong. islam only commands to kill unbelievers without specifying the method. the beheading part is more of an arabic tradition.
2017-02-21 2:57 am
islam=death cult
2017-02-21 7:41 pm
A very few Muslims get involved in terrorism.
2017-02-21 3:53 pm
Muslims need Jesus Christ The Messiah
2017-02-22 2:39 am
Some Christians doing "what is right":

You see, the people in that photo are no more indicative of mainstream Christianity as the Muslims you describe are indicative of mainstream Islam in your sub-literate question.
2017-02-21 2:57 am
It's because they don't have Christ in their lives. They hate Christians, they hate Jesus, they hate America because we have FREEDOM.
2017-02-21 5:19 am
Not all Muslims are evil.
2017-02-22 11:22 am
they arent all like that....wasnt our last president a muslim??
2017-02-21 6:13 am
Hateful troll.
2017-02-22 4:19 am


A STUPID CULT WHO KILLS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2017-02-22 7:29 pm
You do know that historically 'Christians" slaughtered nonbelievers, right? And tortured them with hideous machinery, right?
2017-02-21 11:22 am
Christians used to burn people alive instead. Beheading is a little more humane.
Muslims are just Christians in blankets.
2017-02-22 9:45 pm
As the word of God warned ~ they are following antichrist "doctrines of devils" .. and have no love of the truth.
2017-02-21 9:18 am
sura 9
2017-02-21 5:38 am
They don't all kill people. Only the devout ones.
2017-02-21 3:01 am
sexual frustration
2017-02-22 1:45 am
Very few Muslims are terrorists.
2017-02-21 9:05 pm
2017-02-21 8:51 pm
Yeah like the time the Catholic church burned a man alive for saying the earth wasn't flat, but instead spherical?
2017-02-21 6:34 pm
Inn the history of Christianity there are many large-scale atrocities and murders, including murders of Christians who belonged to the "wrong" sort of Christianity.

In The British Isles in the last half century we have seen acts of terrorism inspired by the fact that Irish people are strongly divided between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.
2017-02-21 5:01 pm
You do not know what you are talking about, do you!

You never heard of the crusades? That was when men who called themselves Christians killed millions of people who would not convert.

The 1/1000 of 1% of Muslims who are doing the terrorism are doing the same thing that Christinas did.

Did you know that if you visit the home of a Muslim you are expected to leave with a full stomach? Yes, thst is a Muslim tradition. They love to cook good food for guests.
參考: No I am not a Muslim. I actually experince the world rather than watch it on Fox.
2017-02-21 7:42 am
Not everyone idiot. Stop believing everything that talking box is telling you.
2017-02-21 6:57 am
Dave Chappelle didn't behead anyone when he became Muslim. Not for real.
2017-02-21 1:13 pm
Well I don't think islam is based on killing .. it is written in the quran "who ever kills one human being will kill the whole humanity" .. n it is also written " one who kills is not a muslim" ... islam says not to call a non muslim a non muslim .. they r our brothers ... n they should not be forced to islam
2017-02-21 12:03 pm
Listen--how many Muslims do you know personally--or have known? Have you ever really tried to get to known any?

I've known somewhere around a hundred or so Muslims. Mostly from Iraq and Bosia, and a few from Iran and some other places. Not a single one of them wanted to behead anyone or participate in terrorism. Not one of them.

I would say the percentage of Muslims who are fanatical like this--who are full blown terrorists is in the single digits--a few percent. Most of the ones I have known are refugees, and they want to get away from all that sh!t and just have a normal life.
2017-02-21 2:56 am
the skulls make brilliant vases
2017-02-22 8:09 am
The right thing? Like pushing lgbt teens towards suicide? Yep Christians are definitely a wonderful bunch.
2017-02-22 4:18 am
What confuses you about "convert or die?"
2017-02-21 3:02 am
Well you have to put yourself in the Muslims shoes.

Imagine that you are a Muslim. You are hateful, demented, God-hating, evil, ugly, smelly, subhuman trash.

That's exactly how you would act if you were such a person. Show some empathy!
2017-02-24 3:39 am
Most religions make good people do bad things. Christianity and Islam are two sides of the same coin in that they are two religions that are more alike than not. The only difference really is whether one follows the belief of a Jesus god or Mohammed. Other than that, they both have pretty much the same cultures, believes, and similar viewpoints of afterlife. Islam is no more bloody today than early Christianity was. Until we can rid the world of these cancerous religions, humanity will continue to suffer.
2017-02-22 12:57 am
Hello Piggy...I've often wondered why as soon as people become fundies, like you, they want to kill all gays and ban atheism....

Very few Muslims become terrorists.....but I do think Islam should stamp out their wicked activities.

My doctor, dentist and two fellow lecturers are Muslims....Good kind intelligent people.

2017-02-21 11:53 pm
You funny fuҁker!
參考: I'm not even going to humour you on this one.
2017-02-21 9:05 pm
Some Muslims are evil, some Muslims are good.
Some Christians are evil, some Christians are good!
參考: People are people!
2017-02-21 10:48 am
2017-02-21 5:06 am
You aren't clever at all.
2017-02-22 11:58 pm
Because they're not allowed to:
2.Do drugs
3.Eat Bacon
4.Have sex
2017-02-22 9:51 am
Yes they should become Christians and attack planed parent hoods because that is right.
2017-02-21 3:40 pm
Mohammed made them like that. Just like his thugs when he was around.
2017-02-21 2:44 pm
Islam is not a religion - it is instead a death cult which encourages rape, murder and death on a vast scale. ISIS is exactly what Islam is all about, make no mistake.

The police here in London just arrested several teen Muslim youths on suspicion they plan to blow us up or something like that.

Time now to get tough with these evil murderers.

Just wish Trump was King of UK
2017-02-21 2:19 pm
It is a surprise. It depends. Only a few people know where to search for an answer.
參考: compiled.
2017-02-21 9:11 am
Do they really?
2017-02-23 2:08 am
Fake news.
2017-02-22 6:24 am
As to Islam in a military sense, that looks like the US warmongering has backfired yet again, only this time they've stirred up a hornets nest that isn't ever going to go away.

These middle eastern people are really big into vengence.

The reason beheading is standard operating procedure, is to quickly end the suffering of the fallen warrior. Its all very code of the gladiator Death and honour stuff.
2017-02-21 2:04 pm
To get attention.
2017-02-21 11:18 am
Christ is the word of God yes and the Koran is satanic in nature
2017-02-21 10:03 am
Muslims do what is right: they pray 5 x per day. Which christian does that??
2017-03-20 12:46 am
'cause their prophet mohammad did the same things, and muslims are told to emulate mohammad... since mohammad was a murderer, rapist, & pedophile, why would his followers be any different?
2017-03-08 9:56 am
i don't wear a head scarf... i am getting the proper education my parents can afford... my parents and all around me treat me good... i live in india... and i know there are numerous like me living all around the world... some of them are unfortunate however... but they are going through the same pain and horror of war and terrorism... you cannot relate terrorism to religion... 'cause terrorism doesn't generalizee attackers or victims... in syria there are muslims attacking muslims, what do you say of that? not all of them want to hold a gun... some want to reform the world by making it a good place to live in... remember ozil, the footballer... i think you are a guy, so i think you might know him... he is a muslim... there was a reason why muhammad ali took to muslim... get a muslim mate in your locality and try to at least have a conversation with him... listen to him or her... they may talk about fashion, sports, movies and all that you do... well, why did i even wrote this soo long?
'cause it hurts to be misunderstood...
2017-03-08 12:57 am
they do whatever their god (satan) tells them to do...
2017-03-03 8:28 pm
they do whatever their god (satan) tells them to do...
2017-02-26 11:37 pm
'cause the koran teaches all muslims to behead all living beings, just for the sake of doing so...
2017-02-25 2:35 am
what confuses you about "convert or die?"
2017-02-25 2:24 am
False news and media, but the question why Islam is the fastest growing religion? I feel that such kind of media and news is only plan to do speed breaker for such great religion which in courage it followers to have good morals and manners beside having solutions for the problems of society , mighty God in Quran in many verses said that's God hate corruption and im sure that's such action that's published in media is against the true call of Islam that was reavealed to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him by God who was calling for peace.
Muslim didn't have anything to do with world war 1/2 that historians said that's its results nearly 16 millions of human was dead.
2017-02-24 10:44 am
that is not true......... that information is false false false false......... i should kill you for spreading those lies!
2017-02-24 4:09 am
Because their prophet Mohammad did the same things, and Muslims are told to emulate Mohammad. Since Mohammad was a murderer, rapist, & pedophile, why would his followers be any different?
2017-02-23 10:32 am
Because the Koran teaches all Muslims to behead all living beings, just for the sake of doing so.
參考: Koran
2017-02-23 9:19 am
This isn't true. I'm guessing you're another one of those brainwashed retards who is stuck up Donald trumps ***? The sooner you people realise that this is all organisation to make religious war and get rid of Muslims like hitler did Jews, we will then be telling you I told you so
2017-02-23 3:33 am
I am not a Muslim but I know several Muslims and none of them have ever beheaded anyone nor would they and they are as repulsed by that kind of act as I am.
2017-02-23 1:45 am
Simple, the UN-holly Quran tells them too!
2017-02-23 12:49 am
Because of the teachings of Islam
2017-02-22 11:57 pm
They do whatever their god (Satan) tells them to do.
2017-02-22 8:36 pm
Actually other Muslims really hate to be represented by terrorists. The terrorists are using religion as a shield to justify their actions when really they are just murderers like Hitler who said he was Christian and the KKK
2017-02-22 7:45 pm
I don't wear a head scarf. I am getting the best education my parents can afford. My parents and all around me treat me good. I live in India. And I know there are many like me living all around the world. Some of them are unfortunate however. But they are going through the same pain and horror of war and terrorism. You cannot relate terrorism to religion. Because terrorism doesn't generalizee attackers or victims. In Syria there are Muslims attacking Muslims, what do you say of that? Not all of them want to hold a gun. Some want to reform the world by making it a good place to live in. Remember Ozil, the footballer. I think you are a guy, so I think you might know him. He is a Muslim. There was a reason why Muhammad Ali took to Muslim. Get a Muslim mate in your locality and try to at least have a conversation with him. listen to him or her. They may talk about fashion, sports, movies and all that you do. Why did I even wrote this soo long?
Because it hurts to be misunderstood.
2017-02-22 7:00 pm
Christians do what is right? Eve the Bible says Christians are not righteous!

◄ Romans 3:10 ►
As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one;

◄ Ecclesiastes 7:20 ►
Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins.

So any Christian who says he is "righteous" has not understood the Bible.

I'm an atheist yet I understand the Bible better than most Christians!
2017-02-22 6:31 pm
There are a couple of false premises in your question:

1) Not everyone who becomes a Muslim beheads people and does terrorism
2) Not everyone has been beheaded by a Muslim
2017-02-22 5:58 pm
I think some might think this question is promoting hate but I am sure that is not your intention and please because think of them as peaceful because there are so many of them around the world they need our prayers because of questions like this and the fear of others who do not know that more are peaceful in all religions and I would like to think there are Christians who promote peace too.


The song below makes me think of my relationship with Jesus:

2017-02-22 2:47 pm
Because the Muslim follow Satan and anti Christ who love the world.
2017-02-22 9:30 am
There are some people become Muslim to join ISIS. And then there's other people who convert to the Muslim religion for other reasons like for their partner, out of love. And then there's people who would prefer it either to fit in, or their current religion is not satisfying them. Either way there's other things besides terrorism that people switch over to the Muslim religion for.
2017-02-22 7:04 am
They do not. Why are you so ignorant and bigoted?
2017-02-22 6:18 am
Another Idiot who knows Nothing about Islam and the Religion.
2017-02-22 4:10 am
Did you notice the types of people who usually get recruited into performing those acts?
Weak-minded neophytes who either:
1. are newly initiated into the religion
2. experiencing some form of mental and emotional suffering.
These people are the most susceptible to suggestion.
2017-02-22 3:39 am
Maybe you should pull your head from your rear-end, read a book and stop trolling idiotic things on the internet.
2017-02-22 3:27 am
because they are despicable creatures
2017-02-22 2:57 am
I'm guessing you're about 6 years old
2017-02-22 2:27 am
Love your neighbor as yourself
2017-02-22 1:54 am
Not all muslims are terrorists. There are radicals in every religion. I for one am a christian, and as a christian it is a christian's job to be "Jesus with skin on" meaning that we are to love like Jesus does. We are not to judge, or hate. Christianity is a religion built on love, so why do christians hate, and judge so much? We need to stop the judgement and stop the hating and start asking ourselves "What would Jesus do?". It is not our place to condemn people for their beliefs, or actions because we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
2017-02-22 1:32 am
That is not true. That information is false false false false. I should kill you for spreading those lies!
2017-02-21 11:45 pm
The muslim messiah is the christians' antichrist (and vice-versa). The muslim countries are third world countries, which are poor, underdeveloped, unstable and like all poor countries they tend to have strong religious tradition and practices. Children there see serious violence on a weekly basis, whereas if you live in say Belgium, you see a mild car crash weekly (and it amazes you). So if you combine this mess, you get some deranged people that kill in the name of Allah (and then often shoot themselves). It is pretty much the same thing as with a child that grows up to be violent as a consequence of childhood abuse. It tends to be all about th e world and the people in it and not really about religion/spirituality/divinity/revelations etc. - these are only the clothes for the violence and senseless distruction we see so often now. You can easily find cases of serial killers that are caught after 5-6 victims and say that God told them to kill those people and that they saw Satan in them - it has become a stereotype for God's sake. You could almost yawn if it weren't for the bloody reality in those stories. Concentrate on the psychology of the whole thing and you will get a much better answer to this stuff.
2017-02-21 9:48 pm
Praying and converting is a waste of time if you have no love in your heart for all humans..especially those that you dont care for or agree with.The Lords prayer ends with a warning for those that dont forgive and bless.
2017-02-21 7:00 pm
Many of the converts in Europe are (for some totally inexplicable reason, given the way the belief system treats them) women.

There are exceptions, but most Muslim women have far more mundane activities to follow than indulging in acts of violence.
2017-02-21 2:58 pm
That is one issue President Trump is trying to get to the bottom of.......for you and me.....
I understand many Muslims even if a different faith don't always want to follow terrorist...from their country.
Problem is weeding out the bad one's......in all countries trying to kill or harm us.
2017-02-22 7:58 am
It has something to do with the evil versus that are written throughout the Koran. They are found all through that "book" of hatred Religion.
2017-02-22 3:21 am
Not all Muslims kill but the religion is certainly not a peaceful one. They need Jesus
2017-02-21 11:17 pm
They don't. It's only the radical muslims that do that. Besides Christians aren't so good at the thou shall not murder thing.
2017-02-21 3:06 pm
Vikings converted to Christianity. Why can't Muslims be like the Vikings who changed from being vicious to
become Christians.
2017-02-22 3:42 pm
not all followers of Islam use such violence and every body has to make own choices.sadly religion seems to be second only to disease when it comes to number of people it kills over time.
2017-02-21 12:01 pm
You are partly right. Islam teaches its followers violence, hate, intolerance, conflict, war, murder, division, lies, prejudice, bias, and more...

PS. It's radical Islam, not the moderate version. Christianity? It's full of lies (radicalism).
參考: Just my opinion.
2017-02-21 12:16 pm
Fuxk off go and study bible

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