2017-02-21 12:45 am

回答 (30)

2017-02-21 12:58 am
Because he's a buffoon.
2017-02-21 3:25 am
Because he is against the American people.

He loves Putin and Russia more than he loves the American people.

Furthermore, we didn't choose him.

He lost by nearly 3 million votes.
2017-02-21 12:49 am
Because they use their brains.
2017-02-21 12:48 am
He;s a pathological liar who doesn't know when to shut up and get down to the business of governing. And he can't because he hasn't the intellectual capacity or interest for understanding the very complex job in which he finds himself, and THAT puts every single one of us in harm's way.
2017-02-21 12:48 am
Because he is:

Incompetent to be president of the US.


A poor business man (bankrupt 4 times)


An egomaniac

Afraid of the truth

A little Hitler in the making - the first thing the Third Reich did was kill the journalists and burn the books. Sound familiar?
2017-02-21 12:52 am
because he is against MANY Americans
2017-02-21 12:47 am
Because Trump is insane, stupid, and a traitor.
2017-02-21 12:51 am
We love America
2017-02-21 12:52 am
their candidate lost and they're bitter about that
2017-02-21 4:58 am
Many fewer Americans are against Trump than the media would lead you to believe. There are many of us who are relieved that he won and support what he's doing. Those who continue to riot--or protest--his ELECTION cannot accept reality and keep thinking that if we riot often enough, Hillary will be President. It won't happen but liberals never need truth to believe something is real.
2017-02-21 12:56 am
most are lo infoed and committed leftists
2017-02-21 12:48 am
well to begin with 54% of people who bothered to vote, voted against cheeto
2017-02-21 12:56 am
They want a massive welfare state, where they live doing nothing at all to earn a living.
2017-02-22 5:37 am
Because they didn't vote for him, or they did but they see what he is really like and how he doesn't have a good governing style, nor does he seem suited for the art of diplomacy.
2017-02-21 4:18 am
I can't speak for everybody else. But I oppose him for several reasons. He's proven in the presidential primaries that he often likes to play the bully against his political competitors. He seems to be a grossly arrogant sexist who thinks it's okay to lay his hands on young women without their consent. He appears to me to have used racial prejudice and religious intolerance to gain popularity, especially with white voters.

On the subject of climate change, I believe he's criminally insane -- committed to making America "great" economically by allowing the big oil companies and coal companies to wreck any hope for climate stability with no regulatory limits on their emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane. This means he's looking to make us rich in the short run by exposing future Americans to bigger hurricanes, more common wildfires and agricultural famines, and heavier rainstorms and snowstorms that will wreck city neighborhoods through flooding.

More basically, I think Trump is so focused on his own ego and his own image that he just isn't going to pay enough attention to the interests of the nation as a whole. For him, I think it's all about winning -- sometimes regardless of cost.

-- democratic socialist
2017-02-21 12:51 am
Only the weak voted for the biitch.
2017-02-21 7:48 pm
They arent . The crooked , controlled , corrupt MSM ( the same MSM that said over and over and over ) that the C Hag was a sure thing pushes this agenda .
THINK FOR YOUR SELF ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
2017-02-21 4:32 am
Because he's totally incompetent, and a liar to boot!
2017-02-21 2:53 am
At his rally in Florida he told everyone about a terrorist attack in Sweden that did not happen.
He now blames Fox News
His well oiled machine at the White Hose with the massive US intelligence services behind him seems to have used too much oil and slipped up.
He complains about false news.
All he has achieved is to look silly and upset another friendly nation.
2017-02-21 1:50 am
He lies compulsively.
2017-02-21 2:56 am
He is unusual, different in tone and style. They cant quite grasp his New York attitude and his open and casual demeanor and candor and honesty with ordinary people. He does what politicians wouldnt do to make changes. The public is supportive of him if they dont listen to hogwash from politicians and the press.
2017-02-21 12:52 am
Those are not real Americans
They are anti-American, pro-terrorist c*nts
2017-02-21 12:51 am
Three million more than voted for him
2017-02-22 3:19 pm
Because about three quarter of americans didnt vote for him granted about half of americans didn't vote at all to be honest if hillary won it pretty much would have been the same thing were its about three quarter of americans biyotching that she got in it was pretty much a lose lose situation that was gonna piss of the majority of middle america an the small portioned opposing voters oh well maybe one day the goverment will listen to americans an one day actually choose a good canidate(wow i almost actually said that with a straight face)
2017-02-21 9:03 am
B/O. Divided the Nation. Trump is following that. Democrats & there supporters said they are going after Him full bore. So He has little support from the news. It is a stratage to lock in votes by the liberals. For midterm elections. So it has money backing it to keep on. Trump has done little to change any thing as President. Laws change things. All He has done so far is to give orders to those under him on how to do there job under the new Boss. Very few liked Trumps managment stile before He became President. Did not stop them from working for Him. As any company will tell you. You don't like the Boss. Fins a job you like elsewere.
2017-02-21 9:01 am
They love Hillary so much.
2017-02-21 7:07 am
The question is, do we have an overwhelming majority of the people who are strongly against Trump?

Time will tell. He might turn it around. I wouldn't bet on it.
2017-02-21 7:13 am
Pareto's principle applies (also known as the 80/20 rule).
There will always be a vocal 20% of the society that is against any idea or person.
Depending on the amount of conviction, the degree to which that displeasure is displayed (as well as how) will differ.
Because the 20% that dislike Trump are just oversized babies who never learned any valid way of dealing with disappointment are displeased they will behave just like babies. They will cry, hold their breath, threaten to take their ball and go home or just sit down and poop their pants.
In short it is the fact those that dislike Trump only know how to be stinkers because they are poster children for "Toys R Us".
2017-02-21 12:49 am
dont know
2017-02-22 12:45 am
Cos he "grabbed 'em by tha pussay". Because uh.. Trump is secretly going to f*ck Putin's a*s doggystyle behind the mighty wall when the wall is fully build.

And uh... Putin pours his vodka on Trump's mighty c*ck and suck it hard till he c*ms and Putin swallowed the c*m along with the vodka. Yeahh..

That's why Americ*ms, well I mean Americans! I'm deeply "apple-gize"! *coughing* hate that two fools.
參考: donaldcum.com spermonthewall.com russiangangbang.ru

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