What are the odds of genital herpes being inactive for 4 years, and then getting an outbreak every 2-3 months?

2017-02-19 12:47 pm
3 years into my relationship (which started 1 year after my last one) I got diangosed with hsv 2. i've always been a stressed out person since i was a kid (so im confused why it did not appear before), and nothing in my diet or environment has changed. did my gf cheat on me? i got tested prior to the relationship 3 years ago, and everything was negative (same for her). 3 years later i get first outbreak, and since then every 2-3 months i get a recurring one. seriously. what r the odds she did not screwed me over? (she was acting suspicious during that time that i first got diangosed).

回答 (1)

2017-02-19 10:21 pm
Either she cheated on you, or she may not know that she has herpes if she doesn't have any signs or symptoms of it. You may never know unless she comes clean if she did cheat on you. You have to have a chat with her and ask her about this. Any one would act suspicious if their partner was diagnosed with herpes, maybe she think's you're the one doing the cheating.
You have to have a talk with her and ask her these things.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:21:53
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