Canned food is good or bad ?

2017-02-18 2:28 pm
I often buy canned foods

Because little money

But is not it the best?

Canned fruit and vegetables Canned meals

回答 (11)

2017-02-19 11:52 am
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It IS the best, actually. Food is cooked in the can so there is nothing in there to make it go bad (cooking kills any bugs and no more can get into the sealed can), and the nutrition is preserved extremely well. Which makes it better than fresh, because the nutrients in fresh food deteriorate rapidly with time. Frozen is better than fresh for the same reason.

It's interesting how it was invented. The British and French navies used to suffer huge numbers of deaths at sea because of not having good food. For the first few days, the sailors had good food, but after that, well, just imagine. A prize was offered for a solution and a Frenchman came up with a way of preserving food in glass bottles. Then an Englishman called Donkin came up with a way of doing the same thing in tin cans - which of course are better because they don't break. The Royal Navy took canned food on ships, and the death rate at sea immediately plummeted.

You're doing the right thing! It also saves fuel because all you have to do with canned food is warm it up.
2017-02-18 9:03 pm
2017-02-18 7:08 pm
2017-02-18 2:38 pm
canned food is OK - nothing wrong with it

but you would need to also eat fresh foods ( vegetables )

I am about to go on a camping expedition ( for months ) and so for the past 6 months i have been eating cheap light weight , preserved foods ( as no fridges or shops in the wild )

i eat canned food , i also have been eating alot of dried foods ie: lentils ,beans ,soup mixes ( barley etc etc )

a very cheap food for one person is fresh vegetables - one red cabbage will do me 1 week they are only about 0.80p ( 80 cents ) ..

a bag of potatoes is about £1-2 again they would last 1 week for one person ....

A kilo of rice is only 0.49p or a better quality one £1.65 per kilo ( basmati rice )

If i had no money - i could easily feed myself for a whole week for £10-15 ( $10-20 ) just on fresh and dried produce

getting back to canned food - canned meat will always be cheaper

canned vegetables are NOT cheaper than the real thing or even frozen
2017-02-18 4:19 pm
Bisphenol or BPA. The most worrisome of all, among canned foods that can harm you, is plastic contaminants in our canned goods. Most canned food these days have a plastic coating inside the can to supposedly keep the food, vegetables, and fruits – fresh.
2017-02-19 1:47 am
Bad, unless the label says, 'BPA Free can lining'.
2017-02-18 10:02 pm
it's not bad at all nutritionwise as usually canned food is fresh from the fields when it's processed, but watch the amount of sugar in the fruit juice.
2017-02-18 9:25 pm
Canned is fine, I prefer the texture of frozen myself. I also find that frozen is cheaper to buy in bulk.
2017-02-19 8:40 am
Good. Vegetables except corn is cooked before they put it in cans. Mike
參考: Taste
2017-02-18 2:55 pm
Fresh is always better than can.

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