For new Christians looking for a church do you recommend the Roman Catholic Church since it's the oldest one around?

2017-02-18 2:26 pm

回答 (13)

2017-02-18 3:08 pm
Jesus said that HE would build His Church, and the gates of Hades would not overcome it. He said that before He returned to Heaven, just after Peter had confessed Him to be the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus said Peter was blessed for having received that revelation of just who Jesus really is - from the Father. Matthew 16:13-18.

Every person since then who has made the same good confession belongs to the Church Jesus builds. It has no denominational tag. This means every Christian in every century, in every nation, belongs to Jesus' Church. It has no denominational tag. When you put your faith in Jesus as the only means of salvation, you become a Christian and you are part of Jesus' Church. It has no denominational tag.

Sadly, lots of denominations so promote their leaders that they get people thinking they cannot be saved unless they come under the authority of those men and the group they direct. Some claim that only their priests have authority to do various things required for salvation. They say that to leave their church is to leave God. Well, Jesus said no such things, so who are you going to believe? Leaders on control of multi-billion dollar organizations, or Jesus Christ who is our only High Priest and Mediator, as the Bible says?

New Christians need to pray privately at home, seeking the Holy Spirit who converted them to lead them to a church fellowship of God's choosing. Be open to even joining one you would not have chosen personally, as I did! The Christ you now adore will place you in the best church group, suitable for you. Let Him decide for you.
2017-02-19 2:12 am
The Early Church was very different from modern Catholicism
2017-02-19 1:50 am
As a Catholic Christian, of course I do. But it is you choice.

If you are interested in joining or just learning more about Christianity and the Catholic Church, contact your local parish and ask for information about their RCIA Inquiry group. You can go and ask any questions you want.

This is the first step in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) but you can stop at any time. There is no obligation to become a Catholic.

Some resources:

With love and prayers in Christ.
2017-02-19 7:07 am
I recommend the Orthodox Church, which in my own journey I found to not have the added doctrines of Rome, nor the missing doctrines (and books!) of Protestantism in general. Orthodoxy's leadership and doctrine are continuous all the way back to the church found in the pages of the New Testament.

The Orthodox Church is Catholic but not Roman, Orthodox but not Jewish, and has proclaimed the faith since its founding.

Forgive me.
About Orthodox Christianity:
2017-02-18 4:30 pm
You look for a church that preach, practice and not afraid to uphold the full word of the bible. I will suggest a new christian to understand the 4 gospels, book of Acts, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians to get to know Jesus and get a flavor of how spirit filled people are like.

Just because something is the oldest doesn't mean it is suitable. Denomination is not a good guide either.
2017-02-18 3:07 pm
I just want to pray to Jesus wherever Jesus is there. I don't want to enter into arguments or controversial issues. Even if it is a small hut, I do not mind going there to pray. For me prayer is more important than anything else.
參考: own
2017-02-18 2:45 pm
Sure, why not? I always buy the most popular things just because everyone else buys them, I also watch the most popular movies simply because everyone else must be right about what I like or what is worth watching.

Seriously???? Why would something that is oldest or most popular be what is true? The first problem is that you have committed to a belief without any good, objective reason. The second problem is that you are so clueless about what you think you believe to think that "oldest" whatever has anything to do with with truth.

While I can not stop you from believing whatever you want, I can tell you that you should at least understand what you believe and try to have some sort of rational approach to those beliefs --- otherwise you're just blindly following a bunch of idiots that will buy/believe anything that they are told.

By the way, I have a nice bridge that I want to sell and thousands of people are interested, how about you?
2017-02-18 2:28 pm
2017-02-18 2:38 pm
It is not the origin of christianity as christianity is a thief among faiths; nor is it the oldest of it's kind. It would be the best place to start if you were in need of an explanation of where the other christian religions got their information.
2017-02-18 3:46 pm
If it was me, I'd join a charismatic LDS church.

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