What makes America the greatest country in the world?

2017-02-16 12:46 pm

回答 (37)

2017-02-19 2:01 pm
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Here's just a few words: FREEDOM LIBERTY GUNS
and to all you saying 'merica is not the best, your wrong.
2017-02-16 12:54 pm
It's actually not. We haven't been considered the greatest country for like 50 years. That honor would probably go to one of the Nordic countries. Anyone saying America is still best is arrogant and ignorant.
2017-02-16 9:18 pm
Most Powerful
Technology ahead of world (People from all come there for Specialized Higher Education)
World culture source ( Rammstein's Song - We All Live in America, is appropriate)
Most number of people all countries in world want to go there.
Hate and Envy from other countries and trying hard to prove its not is another big proof .
2017-02-16 1:02 pm
Its people who come from every country on the planet
Its people's can do attitude
Its laws that guarantee its people's freedom
Its military power which defeated Communism and is the guarantor of the West's protection
Its economy that drives the world's innovations
Its centres of higher learning which has helped America to win the most Nobel prizes of any country and has saved countless millions of lives
Its citizen's altruism that has given untold billions to causes throughout the planet
2017-02-16 12:53 pm
Because it's made up of all the peoples of the world, cherish that.
2017-02-17 10:34 pm
It isn't great but could be by weeding out the communists who have done nothing but make things worse. End all military spending in Europe and bring the troops home and put them on the border with Mexico where they would actually do something. Cut taxes and make it a lot easier to start your own business. End all special rights and strip career criminals and anti-Americans like Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore of their citizenship. It is good to criticize but to make things up in order to start of revolution is treason.
2017-02-16 12:47 pm
2017-02-16 12:48 pm
Trump. Sorry, I thought this was still the Politics section. The truth is that if it is the greatest, it's just because all the other countries suck more.
2017-02-20 3:18 am
Donald trump
2017-02-19 4:38 am
Just ask the millions and millions of people who die trying to come here.
2017-02-18 11:32 pm
I wonder if I could express myself about the greatness of this country in such a small space as allowed here in Y/A. In short, for me, to have a place where I could come to and pull my life together to start. A place that lets me go forward beyond my biggest dreams. And a place that gives me hope for my children in the future. In the end, it doesn't take a whole bunch of pages to express it all. That does not make other countries less great. But that is how I feel about my country.
2017-02-17 10:34 pm
White Anglo Saxon Protestants
2017-02-18 9:42 am
Liberty and justice for all.
2017-02-16 12:50 pm
*Genuine Love does..but,*all know how, to feel it..they just..foolishly,forget..you must live*..it.~*

2017-02-18 11:09 am
Donald Trump. Yes, some may disagree with me, but I don't care. I can have my opinion if I want to. You people that share a different view than me can't brjnge down today unfortunately. I'm in a really good mood right now.
2017-02-16 12:52 pm
i dunno. :D im just from here. and i compare the way i live... to the way my parents and grandparents lived in our ancestral lands or here in the u.s. during the days of martin luther...

and im so proud at how far the u.s. has come up from days of old.
2017-02-18 5:15 am
The materials it has??
2017-02-16 12:52 pm
Peanuts. That's what made baseball famous.
2017-02-17 11:32 am
Ha Ha Ha Ha i only Blinked for a second when did that happen

worlds worst health care

poor dental Hygiene

never won a war alone

cant speak english
2017-02-20 1:54 pm
I love America. I love the fairness. I was shocked to see that 1 Million Americans and 400,000 Canadian expatriats have moved to Mexico to retire. Mexico is the # 1 place to retire in 2017 as it says in International Living/ Global Retirement Index. I hope those American and Canadian Expats feel right at home in Mexico.
2017-02-17 2:21 pm
One would have to live here to find out.........
2017-02-16 5:45 pm
2017-02-17 1:16 am
Unbridled ego.
2017-02-18 6:31 pm
Oh my... I can give you many reasons why it's the most evil, power driven, globalistic, and hypocritical.
2017-02-17 10:50 pm
Sorry friend but I had to look twice to realise what you asked. Nothing is the answer. America is definitely not the greatest country in the world. You have just elected a mentally unstable man as your leader! Greatest country? More like the biggest laughing stock in the world.
2017-02-17 5:38 am
Hot and Cold running water, flushing toilets, Disneyland, Disney World, nukes built into our farmland, Area 51, SR-71 Blackbird, Stealth Bombers, Cowboy that never rode a horse or touched a cow, guns all over the place, Chicago Pizza, New York Pizza, ...

This place is like Willy Wonka's everyday of the week!
2017-02-21 3:21 am
At least 5-6 different kinds of regional barbecue!
2017-02-18 5:20 pm
2017-02-17 6:09 am
You have a wonderful though .slightly warped sense of humour
2017-02-17 7:18 am
The fact that we can call ourselves a "developed nation" while having; over 8M $#x slaves, poor people die on the streets, most 🔫 fatalities, lowest on happiness 😃 of over all citizens.
參考: American.
2017-02-19 2:06 am
Americans who say that have never left the US, so they know nothing else.
2017-02-20 6:02 pm
We await the answer with bated breath. As we realize self- aggrandizing comes easy.
2017-02-18 9:01 pm
America's not the ''Greatest country in the World'' since Donald Trump became the POTUS
2017-02-18 9:41 am
america is trash, we are selfish, kill innocent animals, starve the whole world, waste food, and owe the rest of the world trillions of dollars (19.9 trillion)
2017-02-20 10:29 am
It isn't.
2017-02-19 4:19 pm
It is not.
2017-02-19 4:35 am
LoL. No-thing. You suck. I'm with Russia.

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