Lymph node too small for biopsy what now?

2017-02-16 6:02 am
I just back to the doctor today after having a ultrasound and complete blood count i was told everything looked normal and that the nodes appear to be reacting to something like infection or inflammation. I mentioned a biopsy and the doctor said no surgeon will attempt to do a biopsy because there's nothing to do a biopsy on because the nodes are too small for a biopsy. After fearing it was the supracalvicular nodes since its so close to that area the doctor told me its not the supracalvicular nodes and she showed me where those nodes are and me nor her could feel any nodes in that area. I'm just still a little worried because i know alot of people have said their ultrasounds and cbc came back normal but later turned out to be lymphoma or other cancers. Should i listen to the doctor and give it time to see if they grow any larger or should i still be concerned? My biggest node was 1.9 cm which i believe was the one under my jaw which i read are suppose to be 1.5 cm when not enlarged. And the other few were 1.1 cm or less.

回答 (4)

2017-02-16 7:04 am
You do not know a lot of people who had their doctors say their US was clear and then were diagnosed with cancer. You are a hypochondriac and will not accept an actual medical diagnosis, so you want someone on the internet to say that you are right.

So if the nodes don't go down in a few months, go back to your doc. If it is cancer, then they will be big enough to be biopsied. If they are still too small, then it isn't cancer.
2017-02-17 12:52 am
A lymph node can't be "too small to biopsy" I really wish that you idiots that keep making up lies to try to garner pity here would at least learn the basics of biology that show that you have no idea what you are talking about.
2017-02-16 7:42 am
Your node is too small for a needle biopsy.
An excisional biopsy is surgery and removal of a node causes side effects.
You are being a hypochondriac.
2017-02-16 6:16 am
Lymph nodes occur anywhere in the body where a vein crosses an artery. Many things can affect them as your doctor said including inflammation or infection - even if they are not obvious. For instance, I had swollen nodes for months that were from a chronic sinus infection which in turn was from an impacted wisdom tooth that never bothered me. I had the wisdom teeth removed and the node went down. So, if you were told not to worry, it's nothing to worry about. The likelihood of it being lymphoma with normal blood tests (that's not the way it's actually diagnosed anyway, just monitored if you already have it) and a normal CT is slim. Get a second opinion then from an ENT or another physician.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:14:50
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