Drug Testing?

2017-02-16 2:27 am
I was just recently offered the job opportunity of a lifetime, but I know I'm going to be hair follicle tested for the position, I need some advice, I weigh around 130 pounds and smoke a lot of concentrates but I have stopped for about a week now because I have been looking for a job. Now the opportunity is here and I'm worried I'm going to screw this up. Any help is very much appreciated.

回答 (9)

2017-02-16 2:40 am
Can you stop using permanently? If not, realistically this job isn't the right one for you. They most likely do periodic and/or random tests and you'll get fired anyways.

There are plenty of employers who will hire those who use cannabis and I'm one of them. Heck, it's legal in my state. As long as people come to work sober and do what they're supposed to do, I really don't care. However, I'm not going to put up with nasty stuff like heroin as, from my experience, the heroin addiction destroys any sense of morals, ethics, sense of responsibility the person once had. They can't be trusted and they'll lie, cheat and steal to get their fix.

I'm not sure what kind of "help" you're looking for...the best I can offer is that you should find an employer who is ok with your lifestyle - or change your lifestyle if you find that it limits your opportunities.
2017-02-16 3:33 am
You will be find if you quit the morning of the day before. Just be sure you drink 32 oz. of water the morning before you go in.
2017-02-16 2:29 am
shave your head
they cant hair follicle test you if youre bald
2017-02-16 2:29 am
Illegal drugs will most definitely show up, I believe for up to 6 months. Sorry. Best of luck though.
2017-02-17 12:39 am
the hair follicle will show the residual drugs
you will fail
2017-02-16 6:54 am
You will fail a hair follicle test. You will also fail a urine test.
2017-02-16 6:26 am
Apply for another job, because you have zero chance of passing a hair follicle test.
2017-02-16 4:56 am
You're sol, you need to be clean a minimum of 2 months.
I've been drug tested many times (as a computer consultant). Generally it's blood & urine.
2017-02-16 2:32 am
Tell them you had a poppy seed bagel for breakfast.

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