Will refusal to work on my scheduled day off get me fired?

2017-02-16 2:00 am
A bunch of my co-workers are protesting in the "A day without immigrants" protest on a day I'm not on the schedule. Today I was told "you need to come in tomorrow because there won't be anyone here" well, I can't go because I have prior engagements I made. Now they're angry and are telling me that "well you're not the only person coming so deal with it". Will I be fired or written up for not coming into work on my day off? It's not my problem that they had 6 people who aren't coming in.

回答 (11)

2017-02-16 2:04 am
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It's unlikely you'll be fired, but it does indicate to your employer that you're not a team player, and you might be passed over the next time there's a promotion opportunity.
2017-02-16 5:49 am
In the US you can ABSOLUTELY be fired for refusing to work on your day off. Your employer sets your work schedule and unless you have an employment contract saying otherwise you employer can change your schedule at the last minute as they see fit

>It's not my problem that they had 6 people who aren't coming in.

WRONG it is TOTALLY your problem. If your employer wants to make it your problem they can either fire or reprimand you as you as they see fit.
2017-02-16 3:32 am
It can get you fired. Whether it will, we have no idea.
2017-02-16 3:16 am
They can fire you or write you up. You are a employee at will and can be fired or quit when whenever they or you want.
2017-02-16 2:10 am
You certainly could be fired. It may not be your problem but your "prior engagements" are not their problem either.
2017-02-16 2:04 am
Yes, it is quite possible. So you are going to have to prioritize: Is this commitment more important to you or is your financial stability? Even if it is not your fault, it is a decision you may have to make.
2017-02-16 2:39 am
If you do your out of a JOB, I,D FIRE YOU IN A HEART BEAT,protesting is going to do No good,You realize Obama initiated the exact same Law, almost the same wording,Trump is trying to get 120 days to sort out the existing Law to solve a Major problem.But you idiots have no clue that This is being done to protect YOU and i from future attacks,Its not going to effect anyone Already here, Unless they discover they have ties to terrorist organizations ,This 120 days need to be put in place to eliminate any possible problems down the road, Think before you react, Gemany and France, are learning the hard way that letting certain people in there countries is causing major problems, these people roam the streets and beat up people Rape women And are trying to enforce Shari Law, This is factual,Not made up News, Sit down and think before you protest, a horrible situation that is leaving the rest of the world deal with a senerio that is harming there societies, All these countries are regretting there decisions,Pay attention to the News before you jump to conclusions, Get smart, or perhaps you need to go the the countries, and see the mayhem, up close and personnel.
2017-02-16 2:04 am
your employer should be firing them for protesting on a day when they are scheduled to work
you should not be required to come in and cover for them because they are protesting
your employer would not have this problem if he did not hire immigrants
2017-02-16 3:14 am
Unfortunately, it probably will.
2017-02-16 2:19 am
You couldn't be fired in my country. Labour laws in my country would protect you. An employer has no right to force you to work on your scheduled days off.
2017-02-16 2:35 am
No....if you already have plans you don't have to change it.....can't be fired for that.

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