My family keeps putting me down. How do I deal with this?

2017-02-14 4:50 am
So I guess I shouldn't technically sat "family" because it's more like just my two brothers, but they are constantly putting me down over small things and it's really starting to annoy me. My dad used to be really bad about that type of stuff back when we all still lived together. He would harp on us over very little things sometimes and it caused many arguments. I'm starting to think some of that rubbed of on my brothers because they tend to chew me out over the tiniest of mistakes, and I can't fight back because that usually only fuels the fire even more. They are bother older btw. I'm 22, they are 27 and 28. We all currently live together in my mom's house. Anyway, I could really use some advice on how to deal with this. We all have a pretty good relationship all around. It's just when I make one little mistake or we have the tiniest disagreement, I am suddenly a "stupid, lazy, piece of sh*t that no one likes".

回答 (5)

2017-02-14 4:56 am
Move out.
2017-02-14 4:54 am
Unfortunately, this kind of stuff goes on in a lot of families, and the reasons for this behavior are many.

First, be honest with yourself: Are you messing up a lot, and do you deserve criticism?

If not, try to move out if you are able to do so. Limit, but do NOT abandon, interaction with your family. If you are unable to leave, just try to bear the abuse and understand that their behavior is a type of bullying.
2017-02-14 4:50 am
2017-02-14 8:25 am
by moving out so you dont have to listen to all those put downs
2017-02-14 7:29 am
Leave them. They are emotionally abusing you, sweets....

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