Information on William Shakespeare?

2017-02-12 11:48 pm
Hi can someone please give me some info on Shakespeare but it can't be about his family life thank you!

回答 (6)

2017-02-12 11:56 pm
You are so fcuking stupid.
2017-02-12 11:53 pm
Come on look it up.
2017-02-13 12:16 am
Read a book you clown
2017-02-13 6:05 pm
2017-02-13 1:05 am
You mean that you expect someone to write something, anything, about W. Shakespeare? You're being a bit cheeky, aren't you? Why don't you look it up instead of revealing to the world that you're too lazy to do it?
2017-02-13 12:16 am
Historians aren't even sure who William Shakespeare was or even if he was a real person, let alone know about his family life.

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