Chemistry Help!!!?

2017-02-12 1:49 pm
A sample of gas in a closed container at a temperature of 97◦C and a pressure of 8 atm is heated to 363◦C. What pressure does the gas exert at the higher temperature?
Answer in units of atm.

回答 (1)

2017-02-12 9:51 pm
Original: P₁ = 8 atm, T₁ = (273 + 97) K = 370 K
Higher temperature: P₂ = ? atm, T₂ = (273 + 363) K = 636 K

For a fixed amount of gas with constant volume: P₁/T₁ = P₂/T₂
Then, P₂ = P₁ × (T₂/T₁)

Pressure at the higher pressure, P₂ = (8 atm) × (636/370) = 13.8 atm

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 16:03:57
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