I saw President Donald Trump in my Dream, Why?

2017-02-12 11:17 am
This morning I was sleeping I was Donald Trump visited my work place. I was sitting next to his left. He was sharp and very well groomed gentleman. I felt very relax sitting next to him. He was answering questions of a group of people. I was trying to ask him a questions too but everyone's was busy so I did not took the floor, but president was keen to listen to my question. Then after a while I left the room. I also recently had a dream , Seeing Obama ( she was still the sitting president) and the first lady Michelle Obama walking past close to my shoulder. What are these dream actually meaning.

回答 (4)

2017-02-12 11:28 am
Your dreams show a keen interest in current affairs. We are all inundated by the news with stories concerning the new president, on one channel after another so it is inevitable to have him come into our dreams at night as well. The nation is going through quite a transition, whether you like the new president or not. People dream about things they feel strongly about. Emotions govern our dreams, so this transition period gives us all plenty to dream about. I wish you well.
2017-02-12 8:34 pm
To see a celebrity in your dream like Trump represents your beliefs and understanding about her or him. Consider what the celebrity is famous or known for and how you relate to that quality. Something in you waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings. It is not uncommon that your obsession with a certain celebrity may carry over onto your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and all that is mighty. Also consider any puns within the name.
2017-02-12 11:18 am
because his a nightmare to all of us
2017-02-12 11:21 am
No you are going through a phase where you will find older and orange men attractive. It is natural for everyone. Everybody has dreams about a literal pancake.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:12:54
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