homemade pasta help?

2017-02-12 4:39 am

my family and i are trying to find a way to make homemade pasta for less then 50cts per pound. we would like any insite into others who have done this and what can be used or what you used. a lit of the break down would also be very helpful. thank you

回答 (2)

2017-02-12 8:47 am
Pasta has almost zero-nutrition, so why eat it? It turns into sugar in your body...along with bread, muffins, cakes, rice, noodles. You can lose 10 lbs/mo with this plan: Stick to fresh fruits and veggies, salads, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, whole grain cereals and drink lots of water. Avoid fast foods, junk foods, greasy foods, sodas, coffee or starches. Restaurant food has too much fat, salt and preservatives. And of course do some exercising.
2017-02-12 6:01 am
Buy in bulk.

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