How Donald Trump will block again Muslim countries will he be able?

2017-02-12 1:14 am
Donald Trump says the country's security is threatened

Safety must be a priority

回答 (16)

2017-02-12 1:21 am
So far no terrorist attacks in the US have been from the countries Trump wants to block.
2017-02-12 1:16 am
The whole thing is an arbitrary joke bro, since Saudi Arabia gets a pass LOL
2017-02-12 1:16 am
I sure hope English isn't your first language. He can simply write another executive order, addressing the problems the court has with it. Our country's security IS threatened.
2017-02-12 1:18 am
You do forget that the existing laws have worked well in protecting the country, and our terrorist attacks have been from US citizens with mental problems since 2002. We have security now, so his ban will just slow things down for people that have been properly vetted for up to 5 years already.
2017-02-12 1:29 am
He never blocked Muslim countries in the first place.

All you cons hoping for a Muslim Ban were taken for fools.

Saudi Arabia is OBL's homeland, people from there were responsible for over 3000 American deaths, they execute more people for non violent crimes than ISIS does.

But... America needs oil, it needs military bases, it needs customers for its weapons, and Trump has lots of business holdings there.... so it will NEVER be subject to a ban.
2017-02-12 1:22 am
English is not your first language, is it?
2017-02-12 8:30 am
Try again, in English this time.
2017-02-12 3:19 am
Except that he didn't block Muslim citizens of countries whose citizens are a threat to the U.S.

He only blocked citizens of countries whose citizens are not a threat to the U.S.
2017-02-12 2:04 am
He is not blocking Muslims. They happen to be from those unstable countries where terrorism and terrorist groups are active. Thats why it is an issue of safety. Sometimes innocent people are caught up in a larger dragnet.
2017-02-12 1:20 am
He needs laws and the Senate. He has limited powers, which is a good thing. The US always wanted to give nobody absolute power because absolute power corrupts absolutely. Keep that idea alive!

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:27:11
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