I have an extreme hate for cheese. How do I get over it?

2017-02-11 11:27 pm
Is exposure the best way? I've tried eating the cheese sandwiches at school etc, should I keep doing so in order to get rid of my aversion?

回答 (5)

2017-02-15 3:12 am
Don't eat any.
2017-02-13 4:25 am
there are thousands of cheeses! Maybe the variety you are eating at school isn't exactly to your taste or liking. Try some different varieties of cheese and you may find one you really like.

The cheese used at most schools is American Processed Cheese Product!
2017-02-12 7:23 pm
This really doesn't matter as cheese isn't a vital part of a diet. And it certainly should be on another area of Health, not necessarily Diabetes.
2017-02-12 2:45 pm
lol, everybody hates the cheese ( or "cheese" ) in school lunches. When you are ready, try different kinds of cheese. You may like some, but if not, there are other sources for calcium.
2017-02-11 11:33 pm
Cheese is not an essential food. If you don't like, don't eat it.

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