什麽時候用twice 什麽時候用two times?

2017-02-11 6:04 pm

回答 (3)

2017-02-11 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Twice = two times.
It has happened two times before. – 正確.
It has happened twice before. – 正確且優美.
24 is two times as large as 12. – 正確.
24 is twice as large as 12. 正確且優美.
It only happened the last two times. – 正確.
It only happened the last twice. – 錯誤之怪異句型.
資料來源 – 如下英文公開網站之翻譯
2017-02-13 8:40 pm
句型一:A+be+two/three times+形容詞比較級+than+B
Ex:This burger is two times bigger than that (one).
句型二:A+be+twice/half three times+as+形容詞+as+B
Ex:This burger is twice as big as that (one).
參考: 全民英檢贏家寶典中級 聽力及閱讀
2017-02-11 6:05 pm

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