Can a 15 year old have protein shakes.?

2017-02-11 6:41 am
Im 15, 5'7" and about 105 pounds. Im fairly skinny and have been trying to gain weight by eating much more healthy food and working out. I haven't been successful, and I wanted to know if i could drink protein shakes. I would of course use the correct amount I'm supposed to. Thanks.

回答 (3)

2017-02-11 7:08 am
Yes.....she has to be a good girl.
Pump the cream very slowly..
And gulp it down when ready!

Bottoms up!
2017-02-12 9:18 am
Sure. Add berries, bananas and yogurt.
2017-02-11 6:45 am
Yes you can, just not a crazy amount. If you're experiencing medical problems from it, see your doctor immediately

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