Car accident. Please help?

2017-02-11 3:01 am
Car #1 was in the right lane going straight but was going under the speed limit. Car #2 was approaching the first car and had to make a left and got into the left turning lane early. As car #2 was passing car #1, (car#1 was going under speed limit) car #1 tried to make a left turn into a parking lot across the street without making sure it was safe to do so and ended up hitting the back right bumper of car #2. Who's at fault? Keep in mind car #1 tried to turn into the parking lot across the street without getting into the middle turning intersection first, she turned from the right lane.

回答 (7)

2017-02-11 8:44 pm
You are wasting your time asking here. Only the involved insurance companies get to determine fault (liability) for an accident
2017-02-11 4:49 am
That was clearly an unsafe lane change and driving too close. Car #2 driver crashed into car #1 and is fully at fault.
2017-02-15 2:27 am
The slow car that was driving straight had the right of way and the oncoming turning car made an unsafe left turn.
2017-02-11 10:32 am
Car #1 was at fault. Simple btw car 1 speed has nothing to do with the accident.
2017-02-11 4:31 am
If car 2 was in a lane for cars doing what car 2 was doing, and car 1 was not in the left-most lane for its direction, then car 1.
If car 2 was in the lane for cars going the other way and car one was in the left-most lane for its direction, and car 1 remembered to signal at the proper time and it was not a legal passing zone, then car 2.
2017-02-11 3:53 am
obviously car one, you say he did not check if it was safe
2017-02-11 3:33 am
From your description car #1 failed to yield to the right of way of car #2.

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