How do you stop a Nazi?

2017-02-10 9:24 pm
There's this group of Nazis at my school and I need to know how to stop them. Thanks.

回答 (33)

2017-02-10 10:42 pm
Inform your principal you believe a 'hate group' is operating in your school.
2017-02-11 1:03 pm
Unite other students against them.
2017-02-11 12:30 pm
You get better at trolling
2017-02-11 1:25 am
Level One troll .
2017-02-10 11:46 pm
Offer them your desk in exchange for peace.
2017-02-13 1:41 am
get them to invade Russia
2017-02-15 7:52 am
turn on the no nazis allowed sign
2017-02-14 12:36 am
Same way as always, obviously. YOU need to read more history!
2017-02-13 11:10 am
Offer free vodka to the Russian that kills him.
2017-02-13 3:12 am
Call the cops!
2017-02-12 7:25 am
2017-02-11 12:49 am
One possibility is to get in touch with your local newspaper or local TV station's news program. They would probably be interested in doing a story about the fact that there are Nazis in the schools, and this might push the school administration into doing something about it. (It might also cause some of the Nazi kids' parents to kick their kids' butts.)

If that doesn't work, there's always baseball bats.
2017-02-14 1:23 pm
Send them to an all white school?
2017-02-14 12:45 pm
tell his friends he's a (((jew))) then he'll die

the end
2017-02-14 12:36 pm
Just ignore them.
2017-02-14 12:41 am
Standing up to a group of trouble makers can cause you problems
That being said, I would spread pamphlets out with exerts of the history of the Nazi party and stories of their torture
2017-02-13 11:32 pm
Throw 'em in the chamber.
2017-02-13 11:56 am
Tap your toes and scream three times,"I'm a fabulous little ballerina!"
2017-02-13 2:54 am
2017-02-13 12:08 am
Kill him duh
2017-02-12 3:16 pm
Shout HALT!... When you want them to go again, shout SCHNELL!
2017-02-12 3:51 am
What are they planning to do? If they are planning violence then you can bring the law down on them. If they are just expressing Nazi ideology that is not illegal but you can mobilize public opinion by exposing their ideas as Racist and dangerous. Run for school office or join the school newspaper and expose Nazi ideology and repugnant. Challenge the to a debate.
2017-02-12 12:38 am
tell the head teacher
2017-02-11 7:50 am
Hold up a big red stop sign. Yeah, that'll do it.
2017-02-10 11:00 pm
Leave rakes nearby
參考: Tom and Jerry
2017-02-10 10:43 pm
Stop them doing what? if they are not breaking any school rules there probably isn't much you can do about it. if they are, the teachers should sort them out.
2017-02-10 9:56 pm
I imagine a well placed bullet works same as everyone else.
2017-02-10 9:54 pm
I would say shoot them on sight, but that's not legal. It would be smarter and more civilized to cripple them with computer viruses.
2017-02-10 9:41 pm
tell teacher on them
2017-02-10 9:38 pm
Roll in with the red hand of Ulster and show them who the real nazis are and that's Scottish nationalists who terrorised then in the war
2017-02-10 9:31 pm
You rev up those gas chambers and give them a taste of their own medicine.
2017-02-10 9:26 pm
You get all of Europe and the US to gang up on them.
2017-02-11 5:22 am
If they're not harming anyone then there is no need to do anything to try and stop them, just because they have a different set of idealologies doesn't mean that they should be stopped, there is something called freedom of expression. If you don't like them stay away from them

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