My girlfriend wants to break up with me for very petty reasons, what should I do?

2017-02-10 2:01 pm
Hello this is Donovan and I am having a serious dilemma. I am dating someone, a magnificent woman, and she wants to break up with me. Terrible! We have been together for 3 months, 4 months if you include the time we dated long distance before meeting face to face. We have something very very special going. We have great chemistry. Our relationship is brilliant. There is only one problem, or so she says, and it that is my tendency to hang up on her abruptly without saying "bye" and without saying "I love you too". But I do not enjoy long phone conversations for I am a busy busy man and prefer real contact. She is also upset that I do not say "I love you" very often. I say it when I mean it, isn't that enough? Unless we are having a tender moment after an outstanding romp, I do not feel the need to say it. She says she wants a man to be affectionate with her all the time. This is not the man I am. I am an exceptional man in all other facets of my life so I do not know what more she wants from me. She expects perfection but I think she is acting overly entitled. I buy her flowers. I take her to nice restaurants. I tell her she's beautiful even on days when she looks ugly. I don't mind when she leaves the house wearing flip flops and sweatpants and looking like a frumpy feminist. I put up with her hysterical tantrums due to her histrionic personality disorder. Etc etc etc. How can I make her appreciate me more and realize that I'm the best she's ever going to get?

回答 (7)

2017-02-10 2:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Donald Trump is that you
2017-02-10 2:32 pm
You sound just as deluded as Donald Trump! How about your take your astoundingly excellent brilliant magnificent self and die!
2017-02-11 1:54 am
It sounds like a good thing to do!!! She does not accept you for who you are and wants to change you into her version of you. I would look for someone who loves you the way you are.
2017-02-10 3:04 pm
She did not actually
break up with you so
what is the problem?
2017-02-10 2:15 pm
As petty as her reasons might be, the point is she no longer wants to be with you.
2017-02-10 2:08 pm
Your GF TOLD you what she wanted in a man and you STATED "That is Not you". Nothing more to say here unless you are just hard headed and dense!
2017-02-10 2:03 pm
She wants you to say i love you more and you want her to appreciate you more. I truly doubt you're the best she can get.

Personally, you sound like a pompous assss to me. are you?

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