How could I mount computer ram to the wall duck tape won t work and I don t have any 3m tape?

2017-02-10 10:21 am

回答 (6)

2017-02-10 10:25 am
2017-02-12 8:50 am
Duck tape will work as well as any other tape.
2017-02-11 8:58 am
computer RAM is inside the PC box .... clarify the question .............
2017-02-11 3:35 am
I used screw-hooks and wire and hung it from a nail in the wall. It's quite a conversation piece. "Yes, this is 1k of RAM comprised of 64 memory chips, 24 driver chips, and 16 timing buffers." A rack of these was 128kB of extended storage, with two 80-amp power supplies (at 400 Hz) and cost about $150,000, as an Amdahl 470 option in 1978.
2017-02-10 11:37 pm
Hot glue gun.
Contact cement.
Double sided tape.
Carpet tape.
JB Weld.
2017-02-11 1:36 pm
You need some glue bro

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