Can a vigilante be shot for bothering a man?

2017-02-10 9:45 am

回答 (5)

2017-02-10 10:38 am
"bothering"?? no. assaulting? maybe
2017-02-10 10:00 am
Unless the vigilante is breaking the law, no violence should be used, and violence should Only be used as a means of defense.
2017-02-10 9:59 am
Yes, by an authority if they are causing imminent danger, meaning the possibility of death or serious harm. A vigilante is usually just considered a reckless person. The police would probably hit the person with a bean bag or gas them.
2017-02-10 9:48 am
Vigilante's are scary. Badly scary. Will build a wall to hide behind. It's going to be huge.
2017-02-10 9:47 am
If you have a weapon, you can nearly always be shot for "bothering."

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